Gracelyn's Beginning- Breakfast

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"Lady Gracelyn," Dalla says, shaking her gently, "Lady Gracelyn, wake up."

Gracelyn groans and opens her eyes, blinded by the light.

"Why is it so light in here?" she complains, sitting up in her bed.

"That would be the windows, miss," Dalla smiles.

"Get a shade or something," Gracelyn grumbles and turns over, attempting to go back to sleep.

"Not so fast, my lady," Dalla laughs.

Dalla grabs the comforter on the bed and slowly pulls it off of the young girl. Gracelyn curls herself up into a ball in response.

"Lady Gracelyn, you must awaken," Dalla says, "Breakfast is in less than an hour."

"Breakfast?" Gracelyn looks around, "Oh right. I'm at the castle."

"That's right, miss," Dalla replies, "Out of bed now, please."

"Alright, alright," she gives in, slowly stretching out her legs and arms.

She steps out of bed to find her bare feet touch something fuzzy. She looks down in confusion to see that she is standing on carpet.

Still smiling, she follows her maid over to the wardrobe.

Dalla comes out with a blue dress, matching the bedroom.

After Dalla gets the dress on her, Gracelyn runs over to look in the mirror.

It is a simple dress, dark blue with a white trim along the bottom and the sleeves. The dress goes down to her knees.

She spins and it makes her dress flow out in a circle shape. Giggling, she swishes her arms, hitting the dress as she does so.

"You like it, my la- Gracelyn?" Dalla asks.

"It's amazing," she gushes.

"I thought it would look nice on you," Dalla replies, picking up a golden brush, "Sit down on that chair, my lady."

Gracelyn does as she is told, "How did you know blue is my favorite color?"

"It actually was just a lucky guess," Dalla explains, brushing the girl's hair, "Considering that you liked your room so much."

"I'm excited to see the rest of the castle!" she says in excitement, "I didn't get to properly view it last night. I was a little upset and then I fell asleep."

"Yes, the castle is quite magnificent," Dalla agrees.

"And I better explore it when I can, as I will be leaving after breakfast," Gracelyn sighs.

"Well, you are welcome to come back whenever you would like to, my lady," Dalla says.

"What? Really?" she asks.

"Why, yes," Dalla responds, "I was told that you might be back at any time so I was to always be on call for your room, in case you were to return. The queen told me that you are pretty close to the young princes."

"I guess so," Gracelyn shrugs, "I mean, I only met them... what was it? Two days ago? But we survived a lot together, and that's not exactly easily forgotten."

"If you do not mind me asking, what did you guys survive?" Dalla asks.

"Well, I was walking through the city when Thor and Loki came up to me. I forgot what was all said though, but eventually they convinced me to go on an adventure with them," Gracelyn starts to explain.

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