Gracelyn's Beginning: Other friends

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Once the king dismisses the table, the five of them part ways, the children one direction, and the adults another direction.

"Now what do we do?" Gracelyn asks, "My parents are supposed to be here soon."

"We need to do something together before they get here," Thor replies, "What do you propose, Brother?"

"I say we meet up with the others and see what they want to do," Loki suggests.

"Alright," Thor nods.

The three of them start to walk down a long hallway, Thor leading the way again.

"Excuse me, but who are 'the others'?" Gracelyn asks.

"Oh, there is... Hogun, Volstagg, Fandral, and Sif," Thor answers.

"They are friends of our family," Loki adds.

"But Loki wishes one of them would become a little more than that," Thor moves his eyebrows up and down.

"Oh stop," Loki punches Thor in the shoulder, frowning.

"Ooh drama! Tell me," Gracelyn says.

"It's nothing," Loki replies.

"Mr. Deceit over here has the hots for Sif," Thor smirks.

"I do not!" Loki denies, "Just because I have observed that she is beautiful does not mean that I have the 'hots' for her."

"Right," Gracelyn laughs, "That's what they all say."

"Shut up," Loki mumbles.

Thor and Gracelyn laugh.

"We're just messing with ya, Loke," she says, "Lighten up."


Thor leads the three of them through a door and into a large area of open land. The place is full of warriors training, battling one another with swords. In the middle of this land is a large tree with apples growing on it.

"I'm guessing this is a training ground," Gracelyn observes.

"Yes, Only the best of warriors train here," Thor nods, "Oh look, there's our friends!"

Gracelyn looks over in the direction that Thor is pointing. Coming there way are four children who look about (11 in human years), the same age as they are.

"Who's this?" the girl asks.

"My friends, this is Gracelyn Stefson," Thor introduces.

"Gracelyn, meet Volstagg..." Thor says.

"Nice to meet ya," Volstagg smiles.

Volstagg is a chubby boy with long, orange hair that is in a messed up braid down his back. His cheeks are extremely red and he has a small double chin.

"Hogun..." Thor continues.

Standing next to Volstagg is Hogun. Hogun has short black hair and he looks Asian. Frowning, he swiftly nods at her.

"Fandral..." Thor says.

"It's a pleasure," Fandral takes Gracelyn's hand, kissing the top of it.

Gracelyn giggles and blushes at this gesture.

Fandral is an extremely good-looking boy. His blond hair is styled to the side and his blue eyes twinkle with rebellion.

"And Sif," Thor finishes.

"Sup," Sif says.

Sif is a tall girl with long black hair pulled back into a high ponytail. She has brown eyes and Gracelyn can see why Loki thinks she's pretty.

"Hello everyone," Gracelyn smiles, "It's nice to meet all of you."

"We were just about to check out another new part of the castle that Fandral found," Sif says, "Why don't you three come with us?"

"Another new part?" Thor booms, "Well done, Fandral!"

"I know," Fandral smirks.

"I'd love to come along," Gracelyn grins, "I'm all for adventure."

"Loki?" Volstagg asks.

Loki sighs, "Alright, I'll come."

"Great, now follow me," Sif says.


The seven children make their way around the hallways, sneaking past guards and avoiding the gazes of servants.

"Do you guys do stuff like this alot?" Gracelyn whispers.

"Every day," Fandral laughs, "Thrilling, ain't it?"

"Extremely," she answers honestly, "What do you think is down that hallway?"

"Probably just more boring bedrooms," Fandral shrugs.

"Then why go?" she replies.

"Why not?" Fandral winks.

Gracelyn laughs, "That doesn't make any sense."

"Neither do I," he says.

"Stop whispering and keep it down," Sif cautions, "Or we'll be spotted."




The seven of them stop short when they hear that sound.

"What that---?" Gracelyn gasps.

"The signal for an attack," Thor replies with wide eyes, "We have been invaded."


A/N: Another short chapter....

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