Gracelyn's Beginning: The Ceremony- Continued

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A/N: I got the song from an Asgardian poem called Ragnarok: The Storm...


Third POV:

"With the end of days upon them,

Nears the time of final battle,

In the halls of high Valhalla,

Asgard senses its death rattle.

In the forest crows the rooster,

In the sky the sun does darken,

In the cave the hound is howling,

To these signs the Aesir harken!"

Gracelyn sings this song surrounded by her friends. After too many drinks, the Asgardians sway together and sing the ancient song.

Thor has his arm around her shoulder and she has her arm on his back. Surrounding them are their many, many friends, also slightly drunk.

Sif has her arm linked with Gracelyn's. Volstagg is leaning on Sif's shoulder, and Fandral on Volstagg. The five of them launch into the next verse of the song. Thor's voice is the loudest, followed by Gracelyn.

"See the continents convulsing,

See the forests burn to ashes,

See the sons of Mim awaken,

In the fatal lightning flashes!"

Meanwhile, Loki sings the song softly to himself while leaning against a stone column. His arms crossed, he watches Gracelyn sing like a maniac.

Hogun does not take part in the singing. He simply sits on a ledge nearby, sipping his wine and smiling slightly at his crazy friends.

As they sing, their alcohol splashes out of their cups and onto the ground.

Once they finish the song, they all raise their cups up into the air in a swift motion. Then they all chug down their glasses.

Thor picks up Gracelyn and puts her on his back. She grasps her arms around his neck and clings her legs around his waist.

"Onward, my stead!" she yells, "Yah!"

Thor laughs loudly and starts to run forward, though the feasting room. 

They stop once they get to Sif and Fandral.

"I challenge thee to a race!" Gracelyn puts her hands on her hips.

Sif smirks, "I accept. Prepare to lose."

"Get on, Sif," Fandral commands.

Sif climbs onto Fandral's back.

Thor and Fandral line up next to each other at the edge of the feasting room.


Across the hall, Odin sits next to Frigga.

"I need to stop this madness," Odin scowls, "They are acting like children."

Odin starts to stand up, but his wife puts her hand in front of him to stop him.

"Let them have their fun," she smiles.

"They could break something," he replies, astonished.

"You are the king," she flicks her hand, her golden bracelet jingling, "You can afford it."

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