Gracelyn's Beginning: How did she fall asleep so fast?

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Thor and Loki quickly shuffle over to where Gracelyn is standing, still in Frigga's arms. Without looking at her, Thor grabs her arm tightly. He tugs on her and starts to walk away. Gracelyn stumbles after him and struggles to keep up with their fast pace.

Gracelyn staggers behind the two princes, who are walking extremely fast. When they get to the far side of the throne room, two guards open a massive door.

Thor leads Gracelyn out through the doorway, Loki not far behind.

She glances up at Thor's face, which is blank and staring ahead, an unusual expression for the usually happy boy. His grip on her arm is still strong and his other fist is balled up and his knuckles are white.

She looks over at Loki, who looks extremely worried. He nervously rubs his left hand with his right hand as they walk.

The three of them don't stop their fast pace until they hear the throne room's door slam closed.

As soon as this happens, Thor stops short, causing Gracelyn to do so as well. Loki runs into his brother's back accidentally.

Thor turns to look at her, a look of pure rage plastered on his face.

"What. were. you. thinking?" Thor breathes angrily.

Grace replies, "I was only-"

"You could have been executed for talking to my father like that," Thor snarls, "All because you couldn't stay quiet for more than two seconds."

"Well I'm sorry," she rolls her eyes, "I didn't realize that you would rather have me stand there doing nothing!"

"That's exactly what you should have done!" Loki interjects.

"And what?" Gracelyn lets out a laugh of disbelief, "Let him do that to you guys? You were both still recovering from being attacked by some of Laufey's men! Especially you, Loki! I saw you holding your head!"

"I would have been fine!" Loki says, annoyed, "It was a minor hit to the head."

"Minor?" she questions, "You couldn't walk afterward, YOU COMPLETE MORON!"

"It doesn't matter what our father is doing," Thor says, still furious, "You are not to stand up to him like that again! Next time you will be executed for sure!"

"You can't tell me what to do, Thor!" she screams, "AND I WILL NOT STAND AROUND ON THE SIDELINES WHEN---"

Gracelyn stops screaming and chokes on the words, unable to finish her sentence. She covers her mouth with her hand and she starts to cry.

"One of you could have been killed," she whispers in between gasps for air, "I couldn't... I... I couldn't."

Thor and Loki look at each other in shock, neither of them knowing what to do. Then they both look back at Gracelyn, helpless.

All looks of anger on their faces are gone, replaced by sympathy.

Gracelyn leans backward, using the wall to support her body. She hugs her own arms and hangs her head, sniffling.

Loki walks over to her and stretches out his arms, reaching towards her. He wraps them around her tightly, pulling her head to his chest.

Immediately, she throws her arms around his body, returning the hug. She buries her face into his shirt and sobs, her body shaking.

Thor makes his way over as well, engulfing both of them in a massive hug. His arms surround the other two easily, as they are both skinny.


United on Midgard (Thor x oc) (Loki x oc)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat