Gracelyn's Beginning: Why?

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Gracelyn wakes up and stretches. She rubs her brown eyes and looks around her at her room, which is lightened up by the open widows.

Slowly, she pulls the blankets off herself and steps out of her warm bed.

She runs her hands through her extremely short hair and walks over to her balcony.

Sitting down on the railing, she shivers from the morning chill.

Even though it is summer in Asgard, their mornings can sometimes still be a bit cold... for a young girl in nothing but a nightgown.

She looks out at the city. The whole area seems to still be asleep.

"I wonder what time of day it is," Gracelyn whispers to herself.

"It's extremely early, miss," Dalla says from behind her.

"How long have you been here?" she asks, turning around on the railing, her back now facing the city.

"I just arrived," Dalla says, a solemn look on her face, "I come with news from the king."

"What is it?" Gracelyn replies.

She hops off the railing and walks over to Dalla quickly.

Dalla looks at the floor, avoiding her gaze.

"Dalla," she whispers, "What's happened?"

"It's your family, miss," Dalla says with a look of pity, "I'm afraid that they didn't make it."

"What?" Gracelyn exclaims, stepping backwards in distress.

"They were killed before the guards could make it there," Dalla continues, "There were four dead bodies found. Two adults and two young girls."

"Four?" Gracelyn asks, surprised, "What about a boy? Was there a young boy? Blond hair and kind of short?"

"I'm sorry, but that is all the information I was given," Dalla says, sympathetically, "The royal family requests that you come for breakfast this morning. As you did not come for lunch or dinner yesterday."

"I am not hungry," Gracelyn growls, brushing past Dalla, making her way back towards her bed.

"I'm afraid that you must," Dalla says, "The queen was very persistent. She wanted to visit you yesterday, but you were sleeping most of the day."

Gracelyn sits down on the side of her bed, "I wasn't sleeping. I'm just extremely good at faking it."

"Well, she wanted to give you your space as well," Dalla continues, "The princes wanted to see you too. But their mother told them to let you have you time alone."

Gracelyn half-smiles, "Thank her for me."

"I shall," the maid replies.

"Is there any way that breakfast could be delivered to me?" she asks, "I really don't want to be seen by people today. I'm not in the best state of mind at the moment."

"I am sure that the queen won't mind, if I ask her for you," Dalla smiles.

"Thank you," Gracelyn whispers, "I will try and be ready for lunch, though."

"Do you need anything else, miss?" Dalla asks.

"No thank you," she shakes her head, "I just need some time alone."

"Alright then," the maid says, "Have a good morning."

Gracelyn looks down at her hands, which are sitting in her lap.

The maid quietly shuts the door, leaving Gracelyn alone with her thoughts.

"Why?" she chokes out, "How much more pain is going to come?"

"I don't know if I can handle any more," she whispers.

"I should have been there.

Maybe they wouldn't have died if I was with them.

I could have protected my siblings.

What about Nauah? They didn't find his body. Could he still be alive?

Don't get your hopes up. He's probably dead."

A singular tear makes it's way down her cheek. She puts her face in her hands and hunches over, still sitting on the side of her bed.

"It's my fault... I decided to go into the forest with the boys. Maybe If I was with them...

Why am I still alive?

Why couldn't they have taken me instead?"

A sob escapes her throat and she puts a hand over her mouth in order to not make any more noise. 

"Why were the Jotuns even here?

They never come into Asgard...

What about the bounty hunters?? Weren't they recruited by Laufey?

What if they told Laufey and he got mad? And sent those ice giants into the city as a way of revenge?

I should have slain the bounty hunters when I had the chance..."

Gracelyn hears the door of her room open and she freezes. She whips her head around to see if someone had entered.

Standing in front of her is one of the Asgardian princes.



A/N: What did you think about this one? Too boring? Too short?

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