Gracelyn's Beginning: Fast Forward

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6 Human Years Later...

Gracelyn sits still on her chair while Dalla fixes her hair. She holds her hands together tightly on her lap, so that it is not visible that they are shaking.

"Nervous, my lady?" Dalla asks.

"Psssh!" Gracelyn grins, "Me? Nervous? Course not."

"I think you are not being completely honest, Lady Gracelyn," the maid replies.

"Well, maybe a little bit nervous," she says, "It's not every day that you are proclaimed an offical goddess."

"I am sure that the king would have done it earlier," Dalla responds, "If it weren't for those pesky jotuns. They've been causing a lot of trouble lately."

"I don't doubt it," she says, "But I never thought that the king would actually make me a goddess. I'm not exactly from royal blood. I'm just a peasant girl that's been living with royal people for most of my life."

"Oh please, my lady," Dalla scoffs, "You are one of them now. You are always with the royal family. And you surely have stepped up to your role as princess."

Gracelyn smiles, "I'm not a princess."

"Though you are treated as one," Dalla grins.

"I wonder what I'll be the goddess of," she wonders.

"One can never know," her maid replies, "Until the king proclaims it, of course."

"Of course," she grins.

"There. All done," Dalla says.

Gracelyn slowly raises herself from her chair. She steps towards her mirror across her blue bedroom.

She stops once in front of the glass, afraid to look at her own reflection.

"Go on, miss," the lady urges.

Gracelyn's eyes drift up from the floor and at the mirror. She gasps when she sees herself.

"What is it, my lady?" Dalla asks.

"I- I don't even look like myself," she replies.

"You look like a princess," the maid replies, smiling fondly at her.

Gracelyn is wearing a light blue dress. It is strapless and long. The top of it is lined with dark blue gems. Saphire, her favorite. The bottom flows out into a floofy dress. It trails behind her on the floor, as a wedding dress does.

She has white gloves on her hands that go all the way up to her elbows.

Her silver heels are not visible, as the dress covers them up. But she can still feel them, as she is uneasy about walking in them. She has a fear that she might fall and look like a complete idiot. Not to mention, in front of the entire kingdom.

Her gaze trails up to her hair. It is no longer a pixie cut, but it is still short. It goes down to her shoulders now. Tonight is has been curled and the top layer is braided around her headpiece. The headpiece is solid gold and goes all the way around her head as a headband does. Also, it has a large sapphire diamond that dangles from the headpiece. It sits right in the center of her forehead.

Her face is coated with makeup, and her lips covered with red lipstick.

"You like it?" Dalla asks.

"Don't you think that it's a little... erm... over the top?" Gracelyn replies, uncertain.

"Not at all," her maid says, "Everyone up there with you will be dressed as you are. May I remind you, when the princes had their ceremony, they were this fancy as well."

"Well, they were infants at the time," Gracelyn points out, "Very few people have been made a god or goddess this late in their lives."

"Correct, but the king knows what he is doing," Dalla replies, "Trust him."

There is a knock at the door and both of their heads whip towards the sound.

"That must be the princes," Dalla decides, "Go with them. I will be in the crowd, watching."

"Thank you, Dalla," she grins.

The maid waves her hand, "Go on."

Gracelyn turns away from the maid and struts towards the door.

She opens it.


A/N: I'm so sorry about how late this is... I had writers block. Again. Well, I hope you enjoyed it! ;)

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