Ada's Backstory - Bucky

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Ada found herself in a tent again, but this time it was a bunk house. Cost dotted the dirt floor, each with a bag filled with clothes and belonging sitting on top. Ada walked over to one that was presumably hers. She forcefully shoved some clothes into an open duffle bag and zipped it up. As she picked up the bag, she noticed there was something underneath it. A Captain America collectors edition card. It wasn't signed.

"Can you get him to sign this? Then you can send it to me in one of your letters!"

Tears ran down Ada's cheeks as the voice of her brother rang through her ears. The sound of foot steps outside the bunkhouse made her vigorously scrub away the tears with her arm and resume packing.

"I... I heard what that doctor said about you and..."

Ada turned towards the sound of the voice to find a man a little shorter than Steve standing in the entrance to the bunkhouse. His dark brown hair hung messily on his head and his dark eyes stared at her filled with greif.

"Stop looking at me like that," snapped Ada, " I'm not dead yet."

"I know but- why are you packing? Your not planning to escape right? They'd-"

"Leave me alone, Bucky. I have to leave on Captain's orders."

For a moment they stood there staring at each other, the Ada looked down and tried to walk past him.

"Wait." He said grabbing hold of her wrist, "You can't leave."

"Its not my decision." said Ada avoiding eye contact.

"But... do you think I could go talk some sense into him?"

"No. I tried. He wouldn't listen to me. You couldn't do anything." Ada's voice was slowly getting quieter.

A few moments of awkwardness passed.



"Please let go of me. I'm going to miss my train."

"Oh... sorry." he hadn't notice he was still holding on to her. He hesitated before he let her go, but once she was free, she didn't leave.

"Are you sure there's nothing I can do?"

"No," said Ada so quietly her voice could barely be heard. She brought up her arm and wiped her eyes.

"You okay?"

"Yeah... yeah I'm... I'm o... okay," Ada mumbled. Her knees started shaking. Bucky noticed.

"I... I'm fine," she repeated, but it sounded like she was trying to convince herself more than Bucky.

Ada collapsed into a kneeling position and Bucky quickly kneeled down in front of her and puts his hands on her shoulders.

"Are you okay?" Bucky seemed to say very quietly, but his mouth made it look like he was yelling. Ada's vision was getting blurry and she was seeing double. She slowly rose a hand to her head with great drfficulty... had her arms always been that heavy?

"Are you okay? Ada, please answer me!" said Bucky this time louder.

She winced from pain as Bucky removed his hand from her shoulders so he could stand up and yell at someone outside the bunkhouse.

She felt her surroundings grow distant. In an attempt to stay upright she reached out to Bucky, but her arm collapsed and she started tilting to her right. She caught a last glimpse of a scared Bucky reaching out to her, and Steve halfway through the entrance before she lost consciousness.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2023 ⏰

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