Gracelyn's Beginning: The Necklace

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She opens the door.

Standing in front of her are the two princes.

Both of them are wearing their full armor and helmets. Also, they have their capes. on Thor's red and Loki's green.

Their armor has been upgraded, she notices. It is more fancy and extravagant.

"You boys look dashing," Gracelyn grins.

"Gracelyn, is that you?" Thor smirks and bends over to look straight in her eyes, "No. Definitely not. You are much more sophisticated than that immature woman."

"Excuse me," she laughs, punching his arm.

Thor looks at her innocently with a large grin on his face.

She closes the door behind her and looks over at Loki. He is smiling down at her with a fond expression, one he rarely wears.

"What is it, Loke?" she asks.

"You look incredible," Loki replies after a pause.

Gracelyn blushes slightly and rolls her eyes, "Yeah, well, just wait till I trip and fall on my face. That won't be so incredible."

Thor's booming laugh fills the hallway, "That would truly be hilarious."

"It would not!" she pouts, crossing her arms over her chest.

"It would be for me," Thor replies.

"Alright, enough chatter," Gracelyn says, "Let us be off!"

Both of them offer her their arm and she links one of her arms in each of the princes's.


Gracelyn waits in the hallway by the doors that leads to the throne room. Surrounding her are several soldiers, part of the king's royal guard. They wear glorious gold armor and carry long spears.

She can hear Asgardian music playing inside the large room, and the sound of many people talking and laughing.

"Exciting, is it not?" a smooth voice says from behind her.

She turns around to see Loki striding over to her. He stops to stand next to her, his hands behind his back and his back straight.

"Tis," she replies curtly.

"How are you?" he asks, looking over at her.

Gracelyn shrugs, still staring at the giant doors in front of her.

"Nervous?" he smirks.

"Of course not," she replies, "What makes you think that?"

"Your hands," Loki nods his head at her, "You only fidget with the fabric of your dress if you are stressed."

She sighs, "Is it really that obvious?"

He raises a questioning eyebrow.

"That I am nervous," she clarifies.

"No," he smiles, looking away from her face, "I just happen to be observant. And I have known you for years now."

She doesn't reply to the prince, but continues to stare at the doors.

"Are you sure nothing else is bothering you?" he asks.

"Quite certain," she looks down at her hands, which are still playing with her blue dress.

"I am sure you are not telling the truth, but I will let it slide. For now, at least," he glances at her.

"You are needed up at the front of the throne room, correct?" she says, "Maybe you should go get in position and we can converse later."

"Of course," he replies, turning to leave.

"Oh, one more thing," Loki continues, "For good luck."

He slowly makes his way in front of her, so that they are facing one another. He reaches in his pocket, pulling out a small, brown box.

Gracelyn looks down at it curiously. Then her eyes dart up to his face, to find his green eyes peering into her dark brown ones. She had never seen eyes that bright, before she knew him.

"What's this?" she asks.

He grins and hands her the box.

When she reaches for it, he puts it into her hands. His skin brushes hers and she cheeks flush slightly.

"Open it," he urges, looking like an excited child. His eyes sparkle with joy and the grin has not left his face.

She lifts open the top of the small box. Inside of it is a necklace, sitting on black fabric. The necklace has a thin, silver chain. On the end of it is seven diamonds, all in a flower shape. Connected to the diamonds is a sapphire, which is larger than the other stones. (Picture Above).

Gradually, she starts to smile. She looks up at Loki, who is waiting patiently.

"Well?" he asks.

"Can you put it on?" she replies, excited.

He just laughs at her enthusiam, shaking his head. Loki grabs the necklace by the chain and walks around her so that he is standing behind her. He sets it on her neck. His cold hands fasten the clamp closed.

Once he is finished, Gracelyn quietly breathes out the air that she did not realize she was holding in.

"Thank you," she whispers.

"I thought it would look nice with your dress," Loki says, still smiling wide.

"It is lovely," Gracelyn responds.

The atmosphere is filled with a few seconds of silence. Gracelyn bites her lip and looks at the ground. Loki's gaze has still not left the girl's face.

"Well," Loki claps his hands together, "Good luck. Make sure not to embarass me by falling on your face."

She rolls her eyes, "I am pretty sure it would be more humiliating for me than it would be for you."

Loki winks before turning away from her and walks swiftly down the hallway, his green cape flowing behind him.

She giggles and watches him until he disappears around the corner, as she holds the end of the necklace in her hand.

Gracelyn doesn't know what's been happening to her lately. Every time she is around the younger prince, butterflies form in her stomach and she has the strange need to be near him.

"Lady Gracelyn," one of the guards interrupts her thoughts, "You need to enter the throne room."

"Alright," she replies, and smooths her dress, "Open the doors."


A/N: I dunno what to write down here.... well... Hope y'all are enjoying the story! If you have any compliants or suggestions, don't hesitate to message me. :)

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