Thorin's Pov

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I was running around Erebor looking for Bilbo.After Balin talked to me about the sickness starting to get to me and looking at my wedding ring, I realized that I don't need to have the Arkenstone to be King.I had to get Bilbo out of here.

Me: "Bilbo!"

I saw him running to me.

Bilbo: "I found it!"

He held it up but I shook my head.

Me: "Forget the Arkenstone,I don't need it to be King."

But before I could say anything more a loud roar came from behind Bilbo.

Me: "We'll talk some more later."

Bilbo: "Agreed!"

We started running, then I heard footsteps coming to us.I saw the company.Angrily, Smaug breathes fire in all directions.I was the last one in the door, pushed in by the force of the flames. I run into the room at the other end of the tunnel with the back of my coat on fire, and I throw myself on the ground and roll to extinguish the flames. I jumps back up.

Me: "Come on."

With Smaug roaring in the background, we ran.


Everything is quiet and dark. There is no sign of either the dragon.We emerge out of a tunnel and approach a stone bridge over a chasm.I raise my hand and quiet the group.

Me: "Shh. Shh."

Dori: "Quiet."

We near the foot of the bridge and I peer around the edge of the tunnel, looking for any sign of Smaug. The rest all whisper.

Dori: "We’ve given him the slip."

Dwalin: "No, he’s too cunning for that."

Bilbo: "So where to now?"

Me: "The western guardroom. There may be a way out."

Balin: "It’s too high. There’s no chance that way."

Me: "It’s our only chance. We have to try."

Quietly, we tiptoe across the bridge, looking all about. Suddenly, a coin falls to the floor right in front of Bilbo and rings loudly. We all freeze and look at Bilbo, who frantically checks his jacket to see if some coin had been stuck in a fold. Hearing another coin fall, we look up and see Smaug crawling just above us, looking for us. He hasn’t seen us. The coins that fell came from his chest and arms, where several coins and gems have embedded themselves after years of him sleeping on them.I motions for them to keep moving.We run through a hall and emerge in the western guardroom.

Me: "Stay close."

We all stop abruptly when we see that the guardroom is full of rotted, dust- and cobweb-covered corpses.

Dwalin: "That’s it, then. There’s no way out."

It seems like a landslide or something has blocked the exit, trapping the rest of my kin in the past in the room to die.

Balin: "The last of our kin. They must have come here, hoping beyond hope. We could try to reach the Mines. We might last a few days."

Me: "No. I will not die like this. Cowering, clawing for breath.Not when I finally get the family I have wanted with Katherine.We make for the forges."

Dwalin: "He’ll see us, sure as death."

Me: "Not if we split up."

Balin: "Thorin, we’ll never make it."

Thorin's Lost Love(Thorin Oakenshield love story)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora