The Op

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Alarm bells rang all throughout the compound.  Every person there, including mercenaries, soldiers, and officers, ran to the armory.

A voice came on over the intercom, "All personnel, gear up, Team Rainbow is here."

Logan had just woken up and was about to eat breakfast before the alarm went off.

"Shite.  This had to happen today?"

He had gotten wasted and made out with a soldier from his squad last night.  He had a pounding headache, it felt like that one operator from Team Rainbow had abused his brain with his sledgehammer.

Trying to dismiss it, he rushed to the armory, puling on his armor and holstering his weapons without forgetting to take some spare ammo and his gadget.  He trudged to his post on one of the pillars of the castle.

Down in Ireland, it's cold no matter what really.  (I didn't know where the white masks were from so..) Logan, upon seeing eight choppers coming in, opened fire.  They had a big, blue six on them.

As if you could make it any more obvious.  Idiots.

Logan saw something coming towards him.  It was coming too fast.  Too fast to be safe.

What in the f-  Oh crap.

Jumping off the side of his post, he fell a good 30 feet down before his post was blown up by a missile, effectively breaking his right foot and hand as he tried to break his fall by rolling.

"Medic!" he called.

Within 20 seconds of pain, the medic showed up with a stim Pistol.  He injected Logan and ran off to tend to the others.  Logan noticed that they were dropping like flies.  He wasn't about to let Team Rainbow take his team down.

Drawing his AUG A3, he opened fire on the enemies once more.  His family, friends, and squad had been killed by Team Rainbow.  They needed to pay.  The battlefield went silent.  His rage had blinded him and he realized, the battle is over.  Or so he thought.  Feeling a sharp pain in the back of his head, Logan turns as he is blacking out.  It's that one guy from Team Rainbow.  Blackbeard, he thought.  Lucky bastard.

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