Starbucks Hungover

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Oh lord, alright. This is where I get to have a little fun, because if there's one thing I'm good at, it's writing angst. 

ALLLSSSOOOO EVERYONE SAY HEY TO FINNICAN WILLIAMS. The dude is pretty cool, have to say, and I really really enjoy writing his character 'cuz he's just so, uhh??? I don't know. But he shows up again later.  

MUSIC: maybe i'm afraid - lovelytheband

sorry about how long this chapter is. 



I'm standing on the curb, a little worried about what I'm going to do. I guess I could catch the train to the rink, but I don't have a decent jacket and I have to walk a good ways to get to the station.

So I make a bad choice and start to walk that way.

"Get in, looser!" A truck stops on the side of the road near me. I look over at the hillbilly vehicle, wondering why it's even running.


"Yeah, and Yeti and Finnie, get in,"


"Because ain't no way you're walking to the rink, chop chop, we're wasting gas."


The back door opens and I see Finnie leaning across the car to push it open. "Get in, come on!"

"You guys carpool?"

"We all live in the same complex, so yeah," Yeti shrugs.

"You all live together?"

"No, ew," Finnie shakes his head. "Greenie lives with Jackie, then Yeti and I are alone."

"Jackie?" I lean over to look at Greenbean. "You've got a girlfriend?"

"Yeah, why?"

"How tall is she? Four foot?" I laugh, but it makes my head ache.

"She's six three," Finnie chuckles. I'm taken aback.


"Yeah, I know, shut up, I'm an itty bitty teeny weeny little hispanic guy dating the tallest scandinavian girl I could possibly find, shush."

"That's not something I expected, damn, how did you pull that off?"

"I got a stepstool," Greenie laughs. "And I carry it all over the house, and then I end up being the one sitting on the counter, and I'm the little spoon, but it's fun,"

"Little spoon Greenie," I laugh.

"Don't make fun of me for that," He snorts.

"Alright boys," Yeti interrupts. "Are we Starbucks hungover, or are we Dunks hungover."

"Starbucks," Finnican groans. He's rubbing the sides of his head. "Definitely Starbucks hungover."

"What about you, Nico, you hungover?" Yeti turns around.

"Yeah," I've got blurry vision from this headache, I'd have to say so. 

"Really?" He makes a face. "You said you weren't going to drink."

"Yeah, and then Sauerkraut happened." I growl, trying not to show how pissed off I am about that.

"Ohh?" Greenie looks like he's here for a story.

"That's, no. I'm not saying anything else."

"That's why she's not at the rink, Fenrir probably got drunk as hell and then took her home and tucked her in and slept on the couch." Finnican laughs. "You know he's not about to pull something with her, he straight wants to marry you, I hope you know."

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