BONE ZONE 4: Yucca, Cooties, and Fen's Ouija board.

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POST OLYMPIC RETURNS IN TWOOOOO DAYYYSSSSSS *crowd goes wild* *not really* *you get the point*

OH ALSO: again, this is like a deleted scene and the writing is sub-par, at the bottom, where it's just all dialogue, yes, it's written so that y'all's have no idea who's saying what. Normally, Fen is defending her, Yeti is reasoning, and Greenie doesn't want cooties. 

see y'all's mondayy



Fen is having a sleepover, and let me just start this off with how loud they are. I mean, I've been on again off again sleeping for three hours, because I guess they're just not going to go to bed anytime soon. I'm pretty sure it's just him Yeti and Greenie over there, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was the whole team, three guys are loud, sure, but there's no way they can be that loud.

So, I'm staring at the ceiling, hearing laughing from the other room. It's one in the morning. So I stand up and walk to the far side of the apartment, listening in because if you can't beat them, join them. Or I guess just find out as much as you possibly can about what on Earth three guys talk about in the middle of the night on a Saturday morning.

"Fuck, they're so big," I hear Fen. "Like, I a small one wouldn't be good, but like look at that."

"Ever tasted one before?" Greenie. "I've only done it a couple times, but hell it's good."

"I want to," I hear Yeti. "Now that you're talking about it, I feel like I'm missing things."

What in god given Saturn.

"You totally are, it's arguably the best shit in the world, I see one now and my mouth waters, even stuff that just looks like it and I'm over here drooling."

"Where the hell can you get in on this?" Fen sounds hungry through the wall.

"There's only a few places, but it's so worth it, so satisfying." Greenie is apparently leading this conversation. "Especially when they're from the south and fresh, god, you want to just stick the whole thing into your mouth all at once even though you know you're going to get a gag reflex, but you need to take it as slowly as you possibly can just to taste every damn centimeter of the whole thing, ugh," Greenie moans. I stand up off the wall and walk around to the door, missing some of it, and stopping at his door, a little scared that one of them isn't going to be wearing pants.

"Fuck, the sauce is so good too, you know it was good when it's dripping out the corners of your mouth because you're too into it to wipe off your chin," I pull my hand back from the door. "I've got some stuff back at my house, do you guys want to go?"

"Ugh fuck yes," Fen mumbles. I put my hand on the door and yank it open, my eyes peeled and scared of seeing too much skin. It makes a really eerie squeak as I pull it open and Yeti jumps, looking at my shadow in the door.

The TV is kind of on, it's not playing anything, but they had some sort of horror movie queued, played or not I wouldn't know.

All the lights are off, and I can't see the details of them. I know who Yeti is because his hair glows white in the light from the TV, and I know Greenie because his skin is a lot darker than Fen's, Fen only registers in my head because I know that him sitting next to Greenie looks funny because they're not built the same way. I flip the switch. I see no shirts and they've got blankets on. Fen's bare chest next to Greenie's looks weird because again, Greenbean looks like a little kid next to Fen, and Yeti, the poor guy has white hair all the way through, he's not even that old. The good thing though, is that none of them are on top of each other, which snuffs the idea that I had beforehand.

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