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Uhm? jumping perspectives? I think yes

Also this is a short chapter, like really short, but, looking forward, the camping trip is three chapters away.

Music: daft pretty boys - Bad Suns




"But seriously, do you like any of them?" Pepper leans into our small circle that we formed when they left, to keep our conversation hushed.

"Yeah, Fenrir," I mumble, blushing. Reagan and Pepper distract themselves from life with boys, so this is a conversation they have often.

"Is that the tall dark haired one who spoke german?" Reagan asks. I nod. "Holy, Nico, what a guy, what a guy. Did you see him, Pep? Those boots and his jeans? He's hot. He's insane."

"I know, I know, I just can't really date him, he's my player."

"He can play for your team and play with your-"

"Shh," I quiet them down.

"Did you see the look on his face though?" Reagan mumbles. "That was the look of a boy drowning in jealousy,"

"He wasn't, the whole team is just protective of me. He's a friend that doesn't want anything bad to happen to me."

"God, and Fitz reeks of bad decisions."

"Precisely," I sigh. "Hell, Fenrir is really cute though."

"What's he named after, I've never heard that name before," Reagan looks up toward the bridge, I can hear their low talking over the bustle of the city.

"He's named after a Nordic god, a wolf," I sigh. "Fenrir the wolf was uncontainable, no chain could hold him, he broke every single one built for him, he broke free for the final time during some end of the world thing, and killed Odin, so,"

"I heard uncontainable and wolf. That combination is sexy as living hell." Pepper grins at me. "in the most not-furry way possible." 

"Oh shush, and I'm ignoring that furry comment." I laugh, then I lean in, regaining my line of thought. "but you haven't seen him on ice, it's a wonder I'm still alive. His ease and his control,"

"Shush about hockey, tell us about the locker room," Reagan asks. "I bet you've seen him change, yeah?"

"Yeah, I've seen him change, a couple times, I mean, it was awful the first time, ever suffocated before?"



"Can I meet Fitz?" I ask. Nico just laughs.

"We're heading right toward him." She points up to the statehouse.

"He works at the statehouse?"

"He waits for me in front of the statehouse." She winks at me. I look back at Greenbean and Yeti. They shrug.

I want to meet him. Really badly. I want to know what I'm up against. Not many guys can physically outmatch me, but if he's better looking than I am, it's game over. If he's smarter than me, game over. All I've got is tree trunks for legs and a great wrist shot.

"Here, he should be here," Nico looks around. Now I'm annoyed. If this guy has her heart and she's in love, he better do whatever he can for her, which involves showing up to wait for her.

"Aha!" She points up. "There you are, Fitzy boy, I've missed you."

I'm absolutely stunned. 

Holy shit. 

What the hell. 

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