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This was supposed to be two separate chapters, however, I discovered that the first 'chapter' was only like four lines, and that was not going to cut it, so, I guess, take a long minute in between the sections. 

WARNING: references to PTSD and its effects. 

Music: Say - Ruel (for the second part)




Fitzwilliam is a crow.

There's a crow sitting on the ground in front of me.

Admittedly, it's a pretty looking crow.

I'm staring right at it and it's staring back.

"It's a bird," Greenbean mumbles. "You're in love with a bird?"

"No," Nico is laughing uncontrollably.

Fitz and I just glare at each other.

The crow looks up at Nico and she laughs harder. It looks between me and her. Yeti is just staring wide-eyed at the bird.

Nico bends down and the bird hops forward. She pulls some seeds from the pocket of her jacket and I watch as the bird freely jumps into her hand.

What the fuck.

I've been sick to the stomach with jealousy, over a bird.

"It's a bird." Yeti mumbles. "Nico we thought this dude was some sort of necromancer-esque type of like, I don't know. The grim-reaper of guys. Like all the guys in those dystopian fiction books."

"Nope, this is Fitz, my crow." Nico starts walking with it.

"My god, what the fuck," Yeti and Greenbean are mumbling. I'm watching Nico.

Somehow the crow on her arm is making her way more scary and stunning to me. It's horrifying how much my heart overpowers my common sense in her case.



"So, does he ever, you know, like, leave?" I sit down one tables inside the restaurant. Fitz looks pissed that he's outside and she's inside. He's sitting on the window ledge, having knocked off some ice to make place for his claws.

"No." Nico laughs. Yeti and Greenbean flop down next to us.

"Not even occasionally?" Greenbean asks. Nico shakes her head.

"If he loses me, he goes back to the state house. So, naturally, he's been there for a couple of months."

"One hell of a loyal crow." I look at the bird through the window. "Kind of freaky."

"Kinda," She raises an eyebrow at me and I have to bend a leg to avoid anyone noticing what happened at a cause of the look. "Makes me feel cool though. You know. Freaky homeless girl with the massive crow." She's not wrong about Fitz. He's about a foot and a half in height, his claws could easily rip out my eyes, and his wingspan is the biggest I've ever seen for a crow.

"Yeah, makes you look cool," I'm just staring at Fitz staring at Nico. "He's a bit scary."

"Yup." Nico laughs at this.

We enjoy a short lunch together, then get back outside. My hands just thawed, but, I guess we're back at it.

Nico brings us around until only one package is left. Then we appear back in front of the hotel.

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