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uhh? my friend said that if every read on this was an eye, and I sold all of them to the black market, i'd make something like 332,250$, which is quite the deal. Don't fact check me, idk if I'm in any way right, prolly not

Music: don't worry, you will - lovelytheband 


(uhm? swearing)



"So, how do you know, all of them, uh," I scratch the back of my head under my TU Munich beanie.

"I was pretty functional, I held minimum wage jobs, I did can runs, I got around. I didn't ever make enough to live on my own, so I didn't hoard the stuff, I ran around the city and gave my excess to people who couldn't work. Wheels and Yo-Yo James are both veterans, they were both pretty sick when I found them, and my first semester of college taught me how to treat them for pneumonia."

"Oh," I mumble. "What's a can run?"

"I found old glass bottles, collected them over the course of the week and then walked them to the transfer station, where they gave me five cents a bottle." She sighs. Yeti and Greenbean are chatting lightly behind us.

"Woah," I mumble. She shakes her head.

"It's because I had clean clothes, I think. I came with a lot of stuff. I hid it in an alley, I was able to look the part of a normal person most of the time. That was until the end, when things started getting worse." She shakes her head. "Hey, but we're here today to have a good time, right?"

"Right." I nod.

"So you were kind of a leader figure for them?" Greenbean asks.

"I guess?"

"Yeah, I don't think there's anyone that would make a better coach." Yeti mumbles. Nico turns pink at the ears. My heart palpitates because of it.

"Awh, thanks," She laughs. "Okay, next stop, here." we're standing on a bridge over the water, and she puts her hands on the side and jumps over. I look down immediately because she looks like she just jumped straight into the water, she falls onto some concrete which is a relief.

"Pepper! Reagan!" I hear a gasp from below.

"Oh my god, Nico is that you?" There's laughing from below and I figure they're hugging from the occasional muffling. "You look amazing!!!!!"

"Yeah, and I brought boys,"

"You brought boys?" One of them gasps a bit. "Nico brought guys? Hell, I knew that the second you were out of here that guys wouldn't be able to stay away from you, look at you, you got pretty again."

"Sauerkraut! Greenbean! Yeti! What are you waiting for!"

"Which one do you fancy?" the second voice asks. I put my hands on the rail and stumble a bit trying to get over.

"None of them, jeez," she laughs. "They're hockey guys,"

"Obviously, I should've known that you only fall for stoic guys that dress in dark colors and remain in mysterious silence." I drop to the ground, trying damn hard to make it look graceful while my feelings bounce off the inside of my ribcage, floundering over the mysterious guy statement.

"Well obviously." Nico laughs. Two girls stand in under the bridge. One elbows the other.

"Damn, they ain't just any old hockey guys, look at him." I raise my eyebrows at Nico.

"Sizzle," The other elbows Nico and she just laughs.

"That's just Fenrir. He's my starting center." Yeti crashes to the ground behind me. "That's Yeti Rex, defense,"

"He's cute too, jeez, Nico." I turn around to see Rex stand up, brushing off his pants. Greenbean is dangling from the handrail of the bridge, his legs wiggling. Yeti grabs him around the knees and yanks down. They crash to the ground.

"Three?" the girl I assume is Reagan marvels a bit.

"Yeah. That's Greenbean, he's a winger." She turns around to them. Pepper throws her arm around Nico and squeezes her shoulders.

"All these hot guys and you don't budge for 'em." Pepper laughs. Greenbean and Yeti look awkward and I want to sink back and join them in my out-of-placeness.

"Well obviously, Pepper, she's in love with Ol' Fitzwilliam." Nico smiles and nods at them. I get a painful wave of jealousy.

"Obviously," Nico laughs. Yeti, Greenbean, and I look between each other, our protect-coach-at-all-costs instincts kicking in. Who the hell is Fitzwilliam.

"Good old Fitz," Reagan sighs. "What a man, what a man. Sexiest thing this side of Santa."

"Dark, mysterious, silent," Nico swoons and I'm knocked clean off my feet. Is that the type of guy she's into? Because I'm sure as hell not it. Plus, Nico? Swooning? Unheard of.

"He's the only man that doesn't bend to your will, he's a beautiful challenge. Darling, you would follow him wherever he would take you willingly," Pepper stares off into space and I'm green with envy.

"And the things he would give you?" Reagan is leaning on Nico's other side. I'm just staring, wondering who the hell Fitzwilliam is and what he has that I don't. "The flowers and the silvers, gosh, he gave you everything he thought you would love,"

"And I did, gosh, what a man, I miss him every day," Nico sways back and forth with the two others, swooning.

"Who the hell is Fitz," Greenbean mumbles. I shake my head at him. He gives me a confused look in return.

"Oh, his dark and sinful arms," Reagan sighs and gazes out over the water. "One would mistake him for a fallen angel with those eyes of steel and that fleeting smirk that would leave a woman begging for mercy."

"No way in hell am I competing on that level." I mumble back to Greenbean.

"Fuck, nobody is," He responds. Yeti is in quiet awe.

"Hell, that man doesn't walk," Nico bends over as if she's telling secrets. I'm paying impeccable attention. "He soars," She raises her arms like wings. "I'm right to be so helpless for him, what a dashing sin he is." I'm in pain with jealousy, my limbs ache with want for whatever he has that I don't. I'm a pitiful creature that only exists to lust and yearn over Nico, if she's so helpless over a guy that sounds like this then I don't stand a fleeting chance.

"He hasn't spoken since you left, Nico, his graceful wings droop with sorrow, he wants nothing more than to have you in his arms once more," Reagan looks wistfully off into the distance. Nico as well. I'm in a position of such want and need to be Fitzwilliam that my mind forgets all language other than envy.

"Fenrir," Yeti pokes me and talks in German, which surprises the hell out of me. "You look like you want kill who Fitzwilliam is. That's doesn't how you want to do that." it's scrappy, but I get what he means.

"When did you learn german," I growl back.



"What I'm talking is that you not want to dead Fitzwilliam. Just let her be happy with him,"

"That's hard,"

"Yeti, I didn't know you knew German," Greenbean mumbles.

"Surprise." He responds. I'm still paying attention to how Nico is now dancing around with the two of them, still talking like she's in Pride and Prejudice and her only intent is to spend forever with this man of mystery.

"Oh, go, run along, young Nico, find your lover, for the sake of the world," Reagan pushes Nico and she's smiling like hell. I want to make her smile like that more than anything.

"Go, finish tonight sharing in unholy sin, your dark angel awaits where he always will be for you," Pepper giggles. Nico hands them their bundles.

"Forget the stuff, be young, be in love with this fair man," Reagan laughs.

"Meet me up top, boys," Nico points up. Yeti and Greenbean go first, and I go third, trying not to miss any of their conversation. 

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