BREAKING: Beer League Team Pulls off Noteworthy Feat. -TSN BarDown

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music: Nunchuck - SAINT PHNX
COMMENT N'LIKE AND STUFF, i like to hear your reactions, tells me what I'm doing okay at

OT - overtime 
Deke - a fake to evade another player
Junk - Junction, where the posts of the goal meet. 
Five hole - above a goalie's stick but below their body

NOTE: skate blades do come out normally, and often players have several sets all sharpened just incase this happens. 



"Aright boys, I'm expecting great things," I grin at them all and they're smiling back. "Now let's go play some HOCKEY!" They howl in excitement and we race out onto the ice.

"Game time." Hadley says.

"Game time." I agree.

And it is game time. Finally. They're playing incredibly well, phenomenal. We hold off Seattle with such efficiency and such skill that I'm awed by everything that's happening.

"You guys, don't you see what's going on?" I'm standing on a table in the locker room. "You guys did it!" I laugh. "Look at you, you're a team, you're literally tied up, first game in the season where you're not losing miserably, this, this is amazing!" I'm smiling so much my face hurts. They did it.

"SALSA!" Pikachu howls. They start to yell it, all of them. "SALSA, SALSA, SALSA, SALSA!"

Rod, Hadley and Jorgen are laughing with me, finally.

We're not a failure of a program.

In fact, this is only the damn beginning.

I'm going to take these boys from a beer league team to an era.

A damn era.


Two and one, end of the third, we're winning.

Holy shit.

"YETI KEEP UP THE PACE!" I yell, I doubt he can hear me. "NO, YETS, COME ON, DEFENSE!" They're exhausted, they've played the hardest they have ever played and it's showing.

Yeti gives it one last push, but he doesn't go anywhere, instead, he looks shocked, crashing to the ice.


"HE LOST A BLADE, GET HIM OFF," Rod yells. Fen leans forward off the bench, holding out his hand to Yeti. Yeti struggles, skating on one ankle, sprinting toward us.

"WILLIAMS GET OUT THERE," Yeti dives over the boards and Williams leaps onto the ice, but it's too late. The buzzer blares through the rink. Tied game.

"Blade, I need the spare blades." Yeti pulls his feet up onto the bench and clicks his trigger, popping the metal out. He's handed two fresh blades and shoves them into his skates.

"OT." I look at Hadley. "We made it to OT."

"My fault, sorry," Yeti mumbles, making sure his skates are secure.

"Not your fault, you can't control that," I shake his shoulder, comforting him.

I meet them in the locker room.

"OT, boys, we did it." I look at all of them. "Keep them the hell out of our zone, and this game is ours. It's so ours. We've out played them in every single damn way and all we need to do is make it official."

"Salsa on three," We huddle in the center, but I stop them.

"Boys, I want you to do your damn best," I say. "When you get knocked over, get back up again. When you get checked, check back. When you lose your confidence, steal theirs. When you're down, don't stay down, because we're the Wolves and that's what we're best at."

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