Hot Coco

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so do that like and comment stuff, I think it's pretty damn cool to hear what you think and stuff uhh

music of the day I guess: Missed Connection: the Head and the Heart



"Hadley said yes to the plan," I laugh. Maggie and Adelaide walk to my left down the street. It's late September, so the three of us are wearing jackets. My team USA jacket is getting its use.

"He did?" Mags asks. I nod.

"So now I'm taking thirty five guys into northern Saskatchewan to camp for a weekend in late November."

"And this is because?" Adelaide doesn't quite get the teamwork disaster that the Wolves are.

"Teamwork, they suck at it, so I'm trying to fix it."

"I mean, makes sense," she laughs. Maggie holds open a coffee shop door for us.

"So, you and Fenrir, anything interesting happen yet?" Maggie sits us down at the farthest table away from the others.

"No, why do you ask?"

"Oh, he came to visit the other day, and uh." Maggie chuckles a bit. "Should we tell her, or?"

"Maybe we should let him tell her," Adelaide laughs a bit.

"You know he won't, he's too shy for that one," Maggie raises her eyebrows.

"Good point, good point." Adelaide laughs. "He told us he likes you, like,"

"Like middle school?" I laugh. "Yeah, I think I knew that one."

"Really? What did he do?" Maggie leans forward.

"We ran in the rain together, he dresses up to irritate me, I don't know, he's Sauerkraut."

"You went for a run together? That's cute." Adelaide chuckles. "Okay, what do you two want for drinks, I'm getting coffee, Mags you want dark right, Nico?"

"Just hot chocolate, I'm not one for coffee."

"Alright, I'll be right back," Adelaide stands and leaves me with Maggie.

"So, you like him back, right?"

"Yeah. But everything with him is confusing. I can't date him, of course, because he's one of my players. I'm not even sure I want to, I feel like I need a break from people messing me up in the head."

"I get that, but he's Fen."

"I'm afraid he's going to get hurt." I spill.


"Not mentally hurt, not emotionally. Everyone that I get close to gets hurt."

"That can't be." Maggie says. My vision drifts out the window to the street.

"Mom, Jack, my best friend, Liza. I don't want him to be next."

"Who's Jack? Nico you're confusing me."

"Jack was the only guy I ever liked, in high school. He played on the boys team. It was a week before our first date when he got checked wrong. He broke a collarbone and a femur and we never ended up dating. He still walks with a limp. My best friend broke her arm a week after I moved in with them and then got insanely injury prone. Liza died on the streets." I set my head down on the table.

"Oh," Maggie mumbles.

"I don't want to do that to him."

"I'm sure it's not you, that's dumb."

"Elijah told me that I was cursed. He said once 'every person you get near gets fucked up. Why do you even do it anymore? All you do is hurt people." I look up at her.

"Bro who even is he? He doesn't matter."

"Elijah was Jack's best friend." I grumble.

"Yeah, okay, fuck him." Adelaide sits back down at the table, looking up at us.

"Fuck who, dear?" She looks at Maggie.

"Some lizard that told Nico she was cursed."

"He's right." I scoff.

"Nico curses are a mental thing. I'm sure Fen won't get hurt because of you."

"He will, watch. Wait." I look up at the people making coffee.

"It's okay," Adelaide puts her hand on my arm. "So what it's been like that up until now, but if you like him, and he likes you back, nothing much can get between that."

"I need something calm. A coffee shop romance, if you will. Sauerkraut is too much. He's loud and sudden and spontaneous. I'm about sick of being surprised by things. I just need rhythm for once." I set my head on the table.

"I have a dark roast, iced coffee, and a hot chocolate." A skinny kid with a tray stops at our table. His little name tag says Sam. If I wasn't preoccupied with thoughts about Sauerkraut, I would describe him as a basic cute. He's run-of-the-mill and average. He's got a steady hand and long legs.

"And for Nico?" He hands me the hot coco. "I've never run across a girl named Nico, I like it."

"Thanks," I smile up at him.

"You would think that after working here for so long that I would have seen everything, but this is new, is it short for anything?"

"Nicolae," I sigh. He smiles.

"That's pretty. It's greek, am I right?"

"Very greek," I laugh. "Which is funny, because I'm not all that greek."

"It fits well on you, a pretty name for a pretty girl." I blush at this.

"Thank you,"

"Hope to see you around, Nico," he smiles at me again and makes his way back up to the counter.

"That's what you're looking for." Maggie says. "Something like him. Basic lines, slow talking. Everything plain and vanilla? Really?"

"Maggie, I'm exhausted. I need something steady."

"I feel like Fenrir would bring you steady, something like him would bring you bored."

"I'm okay with it." I look back up at Sam. I wouldn't mind.

"Alright, you do you then." 

Post OlympicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora