Chapter Twenty-Seven:The New Fourth Emperor!!? The Straw Hats's New Bounties!!?

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Hey everyone I just wanna say thank you for reading this cringe of a fanfic, since this is my first fanfic. this chapter is also rest and relax chapter (aside from the ending.)
NARRATOR: "Luffy has finally defeated Teach and lifted the burden off his shoulders but what will happen in the future?"
Back with Luffy and everyone
(Luffy's eyes slowly awoke as he found himself on the infirmary of the Sunny. Luffy's eyes wondered everywhere as he appeared to be rather bandaged up heavily, with his arms and forehead wrapped with bandages. Luffy then noticed a sleeping Nami as he smiled before thinking back to the warm embrace and the dull voice of a panic-stricken Chopped as the crew, Shanks, Dragon, and Sabo took Luffy towards the Sunny. Luffy looked forward to be surprised to find a snoozing Dragon, Luffy lightly tapped Nami's cheek as her eyes slowly opened, her eyes were a bit blurred to find an awake Luffy who grinned making her gasp.)
NAMI: "LUFFY!!" (Dragon awoke with a snort as he fell off the chair, Nami embraced Luffy happily who grunted heavily.)
LUFFY: "OW OW OW!! Nami, I'm still injured!"
NAMI: "Oh sorry." (Nami let go of the embrace as Dragon stood behind Nami as he smiled.)
DRAGON: "You feel better now?"
LUFFY: "Yeah but my body is still shaking, my arms are hurting, and I'm hungry as hell." (Dragon chuckled as he grabbed Luffy before gently lifting Luffy up who grunted softly, Luffy stumbled a bit but quickly gained back his posture as he stood still.) "All right now I can stand but I can't walk for a bit." (Luffy opened the door before walking in front of Chopper who gasped as he yelled.)
CHOPPER: "LUFFY!!!" (Luffy smiled as Chopper jumped up in the air, yelling.) "LUFFY'S AWAKE EVERYONE!!!" (The crew quickly turned their heads before gasping as some of them sprinted towards him.)
ZORO: "Luffy never seems to surprise us." (Sanji let out a puff of smoke and Jinbe smiled as Usopp and Chopper comically danced on the deck.)
CHOPPER/USOPP: "Luffy is awake!! Luffy is awake!!" (Luffy laughed as he notice Shanks walking towards him with his straw hat. The two stared at each other before Shanks finally placed the straw hat on Luffy's head as they both grinned until, a New's Coo bird landed on the rail of the deck as Nami walked over it which caused some of the crew to become ecstatic.)
NAMI: "Well looks like our bounties arrived." (Chopper and Carrot ran around Nami as they shouted.)
CHOPPER/CARROT: "Bounties! Bounties!" (Nami finally paid the New's Coo before complaining about the price as she grabbed the bounties, almost all the crew immediately grabbed theirs. Carrot's eyes sparkled as she showed her bounty. It was a photo of Carrot in her Sulong form, smirking as it reads down below.)
153,000,000 BERRIES
LUFFY/CHOPPER: "ONE HUNDRED BERRIES!!!" (Shanks laughed as he drank a cup of sake.)
SHANKS: "That's a high bounty to start with." (Luffy notice Brook float in his soul form as he tilted his head.)
LUFFY: "What's wrong Brook?" (Brook pointed at his bounty before laughing quietly, the photo showed the same poster as his concert poster.)
196,630,ooo BERRIES
BROOK: "I'm so happy!"
(Franky also read his bounty as he immediately jumped into the air showing his bounty, it was a picture of the damaged General Franky.)
194,240,000 BERRIES
(Chopper laughed as he looked before his happy face turned into a scowl.)
CARROT: "Chopper?" (Chopper threw his bounty into the floor before morphing into heavy point, as he yelled in comical fashion. The photo was of Chopper in his God Point as he jumped up in the air.)
197,040,100 BERRIES
(Robin smiled as she looked at her bounty as she gasped while Chopper, Franky, and Zoro looked at hers, the photo was of Robin using her devil fruit as they were shocked from down below.)
388,700,000 BERRIES
FRANKY: "SINCE WHEN DID HER BOUNTY SKYROCKET!!??" (Zoro laughed as Sabo sweat dropped.)
SABO: I hope her bounty doesn't surpass me soon. (Usopp was shaking as Luffy looked at him confused.)
LUFFY: "What's wrong Usopp?" (Usopp lightly gripped Luffy as he yelled.)
USOPP: "WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHAT'S WRONG!!!? LOOK AT IT!!!" (It was a photo of Usopp with the Venus flytraps behind him.)
335,030,000 BERRIES
USOPP: "PEOPLE ARE GONNA BE COMING AFTER MY HEAD EVEN MORE!!!!" (Luffy laughed as he turned his head to see Nami in a depressed kind of state.)
LUFFY: "Nami?" (Luffy grabbed her bounty as he yelled in surprise, it was a photo of Nami using Zeus and down below.)
277,066,000 BERRIES
CHOPPER/FRANKY: "WE WORKED HARD AND SHE GETS A HIGHER BOUNTY!!!" (The pair jumped around angrily with a comical fashion.)
NAMI: "I'm going to get hunt down."
CHOPPER/FRANKY: "EEEEEEHHH!!" (Shanks and Dragon chuckled as Shanks yelled.)
SHANKS: "Now that we're done with the crew, let's get on with the main group, the Monster Quartet!!" (The fourth was Jinbe using his Fishman Jujutsu, The third was Sanji in his Raid Suit while using a Diable Jambe, The second was Zoro with his left eye glowing red while holding Enma. The final was of Luffy with the psychopathic grin and dark red eyes.)
651,976,000 BERRIES
JINBE: "Heh it skyrocketed!"
844,511,000 BERRIES
SANJI: "They're still calling me a Vinsmoke!! Though 800 million berries is pretty good.)
1,380,511,000 BERRIES
ZORO: "HAH!! Over a billion berries, finally!"
LUFFY: "SHISHISHISHI I really did become the new fourth emperor!"
(Everyone gathered around their bounties as the other bounties showed.)

1,257,000,000 BERRIES

1,191,000,000 BERRIES

1,205,000,000 BERRIES

SABO: Oh thank god!!"
LUFFY: "Now that I think about it? Where is Traffy and the rest?"
SHANKS: "Oh they just barely left to go somewhere else."
(Everyone celebrated as they had a huge feast, it was an amazing time for them as the night finally appeared as Shanks stepped out of the kitchen before noticing Usopp leaning on the railing as he walked next to him before he notice tears falling from Usopp's eyes as he smiled.)
SHANKS: "You know, when he met you after a long time, it felt like the best moment in his life." (Usopp stopped to look at Shanks who grinned.) "So cherish his wish to you Usopp." (Shanks reached into his back as he pulled out a rifle before handing it to Usopp who looked in surprise.) "This was his rifle, and he wanted you to have it." (Usopp smiled as he grabbed the rifle.) "He called it Banchina." (Usopp's eyes widen as he smiled.)
USOPP: "Thank you, Shanks I will keep it till the end of my life." (Shanks smiled as he and Usopp laughed as they walked to go to sleep.)
2 hours later
(It was two am o'clock as Zoro snoozed away before he felt someone poking his cheek as his eyes snapped open. Zoro turned to see Robin now dressed normally as she smiled.)
ROBIN: "You better get up quickly, Franky, Chopper, and Brook want to show us something." (Zoro grumbled as he got up before putting on pants and slippers, not caring about putting on a shirt. The two walked out as almost the entirely of the remaining group besides Luffy and Nami, Zoro grumbled as he spoke.)
ZORO: "All right now what do you three want to show us?"
BROOK: "It's somewhere here in the forest." (Franky led them into the forest as a few minutes passed as they finally stopped.)
FRANKY: "This is it."
ZORO: "Well hurry up and show us already, it's dark, cold, and bugs are biting me."
JINBE: "What truly is it Franky that you was to show us?" (Franky quickly looked around before grabbing a branch and pushing it as a large trap door opened much to the crew's surprise. Dragon looked confused as he spoke.)
DRAGON: "It seems a bit advanced even for today's standards." (Franky led everyone down as they walked down the stairs, illuminated by blue strange orbs.)
SABO: "It looks so different than a normal staircase or even trapdoor."
ROBIN: "It looks rather old but feels incredibly advanced for even humans."
(They finally landed at the bottom as Franky opened the blue sliding door as the orbs illuminated brightly as the group's eyes widen and gasped as in front of them was 20 food baskets that looked rather preserved, Robin suddenly spoke as she spoke in a rather afraid tone.)
ROBIN: "God lives freely in the heavenly land, with his offsprings and followers with him, years ago he dethroned the Devil who also lived happily with his people and mate, the Devil would give his will to his demons as generations passed but the demons would still not win" (In front of them was a large yellow poneglyph as at the left was of a godly figure with a long crown with its military might riding on dragons running along with it from the left also, however the right was a demon looking figure with demons riding on horses as they were smiling and grinning, the demon was holding a strange looking fruit with swirls on it.) "But soon one generation will bring ruin to God and his offspring, however there was one demon and he will help the next devil bring ruin to god!"
Back in the Sunny
(Nami and Luffy snoozed away in the infirmary as inside Luffy's mind, a long haired figure appeared who spoke.)
"Soon you will be one of God's slaves."
NARRATOR: "What does the poneglyph mean about God and the Devil? Who is this figure in Luffy's mind and what does he mean? Find out on ONE PIECE CALAMITY on November First!!??"
THE END!!?? (FOR NOW!!!)
Hey guys, thank you all for reading this, I just wanna say that the movie connected arc will be canon. Thank you all for reading, see ya next time! Victo out!!!