Chapter Eight: To Defeat the Strawhats!! The Yonko Pirate Alliance

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NARRATOR: While the Straw hats make their appearance, Blackbeard meets Shanks and reveals to him his true intentions.
SHANKS: "Huh, So this is Teach's headquarters, it's rather quiet than usual." (Shanks then sees the throne room from which three figures appear before it.) "It can't be."
BLACKBEARD: "Why Shanks, perfect timing for you to show up." (And behind Blackbeard was two tall figures, revealing them as Big Mom and Kaido, standing over him with red eyes as if they were in a trance.) "How do you like my new friends, Shanks?"
SHANKS: "How did you even?" ( Shanks then two more tall figures, one revealing itself as Gecko Moria.)
MORIA: "Kishishishishi, Blackbeard sama, the shadow is successfully in his body and it also seems that my possession is working on Kaido and Linlin."
BLACKBEARD: "Good, I would've killed you if it didn't work, you know. Now lets begin our master plan, say Shanks why don't you join."
SHANKS: "Like hell I'll ever join something involving you." ( Shanks then walks out of the throne room as Blackbeard smiles.)
BLACKBEARD: "Good, you would've stood in my way..... in killing Mugiwara Luffy."
Back with the Straw hats
LUFFY: "Right, now lets do this!!! GOMU GOM-!!" ( Luffy is then grabbed and bonked in the head by Nami.)
LUFFY: "Oh yeah, well then grab on." ( As Nami grabs on to him, Luffy then goes fly towards Blackbeard's headquarters."
ZORO: "Well, seems like we have to split up for now. Let's go Robin! (The two begin to run towards the city, with Robin leading Zoro of course."
SANJI: "Oi Jinbe, lets go." (The two nod as both run towards the Harbor.)
USSOP: "Why do we have to wreck havoc in the city."
CHOPPER: "Don't worry, you can take out any enemy with just a finger." ( Chopper says as he cheers Usopp up, thinking that Usopp is strong.)
USOPP: "Uh yeah, 'sighs' Lets go Franky." (The two then follow Robin and Zoro.)
CHOPPER: "Brook, lets go." (The final two go to the woods.)
With Luffy and Nami
LUFFY: "Hey Nami" (Nami looks at him wondering what he wants. She then sees Law and Kid.) "Oi Law, Kid!!"
LAW: "Mugiwara-ya" (Kid then smiles as he sees Luffy rocketing towards them. But as Luffy lands, two more people appear.)
KATAKURI: "Long time no see, Luffy."
SHANKS: "Heh, what a coincidence, it seems that we're all here. Why hello there Kid."
KID: "S... Shanks!? Why are you here?" (As the two meet, Katakuri and Luffy are staring at each other. Luffy then grins at Katakuri.)
LUFFY: "Heh, you look stronger." (Katakuri then grins confidently.)
KATAKURI: "Seems like you have someone with you." (Pointing to Nami.)
SHANKS: "Seems like Luffy has got a girlfriend." (Law and Shanks then chuckle as Nami blushes in embarrassment.)
LAW: "Seems like the citizens know who we are." (Law then points to a dark alley with their bounties on the wall.)
KID: "Looks like we're gonna play a game of dress up."
LUFFY: " Hey Nami, lets go to the changing rooms then, since we are pirates."
SHANKS: "And don't do anything weird while we go to the other changing rooms." (Kid and Law gave a chuckle at what Shanks said that even Katakuri cracked a smile.)
Ten Minutes Later
NAMI: "Why is that outfit even necessary?!" ( Nami then yells as Luffy wears his Wano outfit but without the hairstyle, while Nami wore a blue and white shirt similar to her old outfit and with blue jeans.)
SHANKS: "What kind of outfit is that!?" (Shanks is then wearing a red suit but keeping his cloak and sword.)
LAW: "Seems like someone was enjoying their time at Wano." (Law is then wearing long jacket and gloves covering his tattoos, but he keeps his hat and sword.)
KID: "What kind of dumbass style is that?" (Kid who is wear his normal clothes minus his cloak points at Katakuri who has a leather jacket and sunglasses but keeps his normal clothes but Katakuri ignores him.)
KATAKURI: "Now what do we do now?"
LUFFY: "WE STORM HIS HEADQUARTERS!!" (He says this as everyone grin in anticipation as they walk towards Blackbeard's headquarters.) "BLACKBEARD, HERE I COME!!"
NARRATOR: Luffy and Nami have successfully been able to form temporary alliance with Captain of The Kid Pirates Euthass Kid, Captain of The Heart Pirates Trafalgar D Waterlaw, Sweet Commander of The Big Mom Pirates Charlotte Katakuri, and one of the Yonko and Captain of The Red Haired Pirates Shanks. They decide to follow Luffy and Nami in storming Blackbeard's Headquarters, meanwhile The Straw hats will be stopped by an obstacle that will take everything they have to beat them.