Chapter Sixteen: I Will Be With Him Till The Ends Of The Earth! Nami Vs Laffite!

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NARRATOR: The Straw Hats are nearing the end of their battle with the Blackbeard Pirates, a fight for one of the Captains to be the King of The Pirates and Gol D Roger's treasure One Piece.
(Luffy ran as dark tendrils chased him, he then took a turn for the castle walls before barely dodging them that he gripped his arms as he ignored the pain. Luffy was shocked to see more dark tendrils surround him, stabbing and impaling him and lifting him in the air as a black arm grabbed his head and began to crush him as he continued hitting it but to no avail before being slammed into the ground as even more tendrils ran towards him as he punched the tendrils with haki as he jumped up into the air with the tendrils racing towards him.)
LUFFY: "GOMU GOMU NOOOOO!!" (Luffy's fist began to steam even more.) " LION JET GATLING!!" (His fists connected with the tendrils and and the tendrils faded as even more tendrils headed for him as he continued to hit them before finally letting a final punch as he fell to the ground as he began to inflate his arm as another giant tendril with Teach coming out from the darkness.) "GOMU GOMU NOOOO- uh" (His eyes narrowed as he coughed out blood as small tendril impaled him in his chest as the tendril lifted him, allow him to be face to face with Teach.)
TEACH: "What's wrong? Can't take getting impaled, you're still too weak. I hope you enjoyed my promise to you, Mugiwara." (The tendril dropped Luffy as he fell with a thud as a single tear dropped, even more tendrils appeared as they raced towards him.) "Goodbye Mugiwara." (The tendrils suddenly froze as they broke.) "The hell do you want, Kuzan?"
KUZAN: "Now hold on Teach, don't you think you should make Laffitte can do something with him than just kill him?"
TEACH: "Hm, alright then he can do whatever he wants with him." (Teach proceeded to walk away as Kuzan stared at Luffy as he knelt down before he put his hand on the wound as it began to freeze.)
Meanwhile with Nami
(Thunder struck as even more struck the ground as a figure none other that Laffitte as his wings flapped as he held his cane, he also appeared to bleeding from the forehead.)
LAFFITTE: Where The fuck is she!? (As the fog settled, he saw what appeared to be Nami in the fog.) Gotcha!! (He raced towards Nami as she was sliced down only to disappear as even more images of her appeared, much to Laffite's annoyance.) "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!!!" (His wings swung around as the wind made them disappear only for them to appear again and again) Maybe I can use the wind advantage!?  (He began to spin as he flew into the air.) "DEMON SHERIFF'S WIND!!" (The strong gust of wind caused the mirages to disappear completely as the real Nami fell to the ground.) Got her!
NAMI: Shit, he found me! (Laffitte's cane began to get coated by armament as he raced towards her as Zeus came out of her climatact.) "NINJA ART:" (Zeus began to turn black.) "LIGHTNING!!"  (Zeus shot out a giant lightning strike as it struck Laffitte, causing him to block the attack but pushing him back.)
LAFFITTE: "You're strong, I'll give you that but!" (Laffitte began to armament his cane once again.) "It's not enough!"
NAMI: "Wah!?"
LAFFITTE: "DEMON SHERIFF'S ANNOYANCE!!" (Nami's head was then hit by the cane as she stumbled around before falling to the ground with a thud.) "Well that settles it."
Meanwhile with Jinbe
(Jinbe was panting as Vasco Shot stood over him once again, both in Fish-man Karate Stances, as Jinbe swung his fist at Vasco only for him to dodge it.)
VASCO: "TOPUTOPUTOPUTO!! Even after..hic..finding my..hic...weakness you..hic..still can't..hic..defeat me!" (Vascothen hit Jinbe in the stomach as he threw him into the ocean, laughing hysterically.)
Meanwhile with Cavendish
(Cavendish ran through the castle that he somehow snuck in, he entered what looked like to be dungeon. He continued to look around as he felt someone following him only for there to be nothing.)
CAVENDISH: The hell was that? There's nothing there!" (He continued walking around until he felt a tug on his leg only for him to be lifted into the air as Moria appeared.)
MORIA: "KISHISHISHISHI, My my look who showed up!" (Cavendish was then thrown towards a cellar as he crashed into it, the dust settled as Cavendish came out, his hand on his forehead which was bleeding, Moria then showed a shocked expression.)
MORIA: "Shit, I Freed Him!!"
CAVENDISH: "The hell you blabbering about."
???: "Finally, I'm free from that cell, now I must go back to my crew and Luffy-Senpai."
Meanwhile in a unknown island
(The figures from Impel Down were now in an island that looked to be tropical island as the old man walked through the tropical forest, he took his hand out causing a blue bird with a puffed chest to land on his hand.)
????: "People here say that this bird symbolizes justice and freedom." (The bird continued chirping and pecking his hand until.)
(The bird was now a bloody mess in his hand as a vein appeared on his neck.)
????: "WHAT BULLSHIT, WHY DOES EVERY FUCKING THING HAVE TO BE ABOUT THE MARINES OR EVEN WORSE!!"(His teeth then grinded against each other.) "THAT BASTARD GARP,JUST YOU WAIT, YOU AND YOUR WHOLE FAMILY WILL BE BURIED IN THE EARTH BY MY HAND!!!" (The scene changed as the pale figure too held out his hand only for a red female bird and black male bird, the two birds stared at him only for him to smile at them as they chirped happily at him.)
???: "You two sure remind me of them, the Great King and Queen, whose true forms lurk in two pirates." (He pulled our a really old locket that was already rusting of a women whose hair was fiery red and bright green eyes wearing a wedding dress and veil, next to her was a man with jet black hair and his eyes were soft light red eyes, his distinctive feature was his smile, he was also wearing wedding suit.) "You sure knew how to make him happy, Miyuki."
Back with Nami
(Nami's eyes slowly opened she found her self in a lit room, her eyes widen and gasped as on the sides of the wall were shelves of severed heads of beautiful women and in front of her was a purple curtain, it was silence for a while until
(A purple cane appeared from the left side of the curtain, and out from the curtain appeared Laffitte with a knife in his hand.)
LAFFITTE: "Look who woke up early, such a shame he didn't." (He then pulled the curtain, revealing Luffy who was chained in sea prism stone handcuffs from the ceiling, under him was large pile of blood, Nami couldn't help but tear up from the scenery. The man who loved and cared for her and showed it only two days ago, was at death's door.) "You should have seen him before you woke up, he kept on asking where he was at and that he was hungry." (Laffitte hollered out in laughter, only for his face to get hit as Nami spit on him.) "You Bitch!"
(Nami grunted as her cheek was red only for Laffitte to hold her in a chokehold with a knife in his other hand.)
LAFFITTE: "I was going to give you a slow, painful death but now you pissed me off so much that now I'm going to make it satisfying for me!"
NAMI: "I don't care, go ahead. I WILL FOLLOW HIM TIL THE ENDS OF THE EARTH!!!" (Laffitte raised his knife as he went for the killing blow, until the room shook and he saw that Nami was unconscious as he was confused until he heard a spine chilling voice.)
LUFFY: "What the hell do you think you're doing?" (Laffitte turned around, thinking that Luffy was still chained up. However he saw something worse, Luffy was standing there, the chains utterly destroyed, his wounds were somehow healed but the even strange thing was his eyes, they weren't his normal black eyes, they were dark red and were shaking crazily.)
LAFFITTE: "Ah so you're awake." (Laffitte appeared in a flash as blood spattered over his chest as the blood and wound disappeared, much to Laffitte shock.) "What the!?" (Luffy turned around, forming a smile before forming a full fledged grin as he started to laugh so for short, he's insane.) "Why are you!?" (The screen turned black as only Luffy's laughter remained.)
NARRATOR: "The Pirate Island Arc is now entering it's climax. What is going with Luffy now? Will he be able to defeat Teach? All will be revealed soon!!"

Sorry for the long wait, a lot is going on with me. School, personal life and more, I'm still writing and this is only just the beginning. The title as I said will be revealed next chapter! Bye!!

ONE PIECE:THE RAFTEL SAGA: THE PIRATE ISLAND ARCWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt