Chapter Twenty-Four: The Dragon And The Flower!! The Kind Celestial Dragon!!?

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Not gonna lie, I really enjoyed writing this chapter. I hope you all enjoy the Twenty-Fourth Chapter, only 3 chapters to go!
NARRATOR: "He was a man of the corrupt, but his partner in life would break the rule of god. After that they would become enemies of god."
Flashback begins
Back with Dragon
(As The Marines approached the Red Port, Dragon and Garp walked out as the gates opened. The two jumped out of the vessel as they approached the gate. A light shone on them as they suddenly appeared right in front of the castle , they were approached by a sudden swarm of guards, leaded by a man in a black knight armor dueling two swords as he approached.)
"Vice Admiral Garp and Admiral Kuroneko, come in." (The knight lead them as they walked through the halls. Out of the corner of his eye, Dragon noticed a beautiful black haired women watching as he watched with confusion. He turned to ask the knight but she suddenly disappeared in a flash. Dragon watched as he was confused before they entered a large room, it was colored gray and was as big as a house and had different colored crystals on the walls, he suddenly notice a large table as big as a room with almost a hundred chairs filled with hundreds of exotic delicacies. Dragon mentally drooled as he heard a small giggle before turning to see nothing as he watched in suspicion before turning back towards the table as the knight spoke.)
"The elders will be currently busy for a few days so it will best that you two stay here until they come back, your fleets are already on their way to Marineford."
(The two were about to oblige but were suddenly interrupted by a voice.)
"You two will currently stay with me and with my servants then for the time being." (The two turned as they see a woman in front of them, she was around 6 feet tall and was wearing royal clothes, she was also deeming a long dark raven hair that went past her shoulders and also with indigo eyes. The knight watched as he nodded.)
"All right then, we won't bother you then, now let's go men!" (The knight and the guards walked away as they left Garp, Dragon, and the women alone. Though the women was the first to talk.)
"Now it does seem that you two look rather hungry?" (Dragon and Garp looked at each other before immediately grabbing a handful of food and they chomped away, leaving the women a bit surprised before smiling as she suddenly sat down next to Dragon who was currently eating a giant bone of meat.)
DRAGON: "God..*CHOMP*..this shit...*CHOMP* so fucking good!!" (The women smiled as she also grabbed a small piece of meat before biting as she hummed, immediately grabbing the attention of Dragon who stared at her weirdly as she bit off a chunk of meat before swallowing as she swallowed some water. Dragon squinted his eyes as he stared at her in suspicion, he just shrugged as he resumed eating. Though Garp was staring at them but seemed to be smirking as he stared at the two, he didn't however notice that the women was smirking as well.)
GARP: "Say umm, we never got your name?" (The women stared at him but smiled as she spoke.)
"Hanaba, that is my name."
GARP: "BWAHAHAHAHA!! Well Hanaba" (Dragon grabbed his cup of water as he drunk slowly.) "You are free to marry my son then!" (Dragon immediately spat out his water as he stared at Garp with wide eyes,mouth agape, and a bit flustered. Hanaba on the other hand was completely blushing as she stuttered.)
HANABA: "Um, I don't know if I can-" (Dragon slammed his hand on the table as he shouted.)
DRAGON: "THE HELL YOU SPOUTING ABOUT GEEZER!!? THERE'S NO WAY IN HELL I'M MARRYING A WOMAN I JUST MET!!!" (Dragon gripped Garp's collar as he yelled in the comical fashion with sharp teeth and angry eyes. Garp just laughed as he noticed that Hanaba was staring at Dragon, showing a genuine smile before he turned back to Dragon.)
GARP: "Oh I'm sorry for saying that, just forget it then."
(Dragon laid on the floor with several large bumps on his head as he slowly woke to notice Hanaba tending to his bruises on his head, he was now little bit more flustered as Hanaba noticed that he was now awake as she smiled at him.)
HANABA: "Well you're awake now." (Dragon groaned as he got up slowly, he looked all over the room as he noticed that Garp was not there anymore.) "Your dad told me he was gonna get some shut eye for the night, so I showed where an empty servant's quarters were." (Dragon watched as she got up before helping him get up.) "He sure did give you a beating." (She snickered as Dragon scowled.)
DRAGON: "Ha ha ha, sure are you done." (Hanaba smirked as she suddenly grabbed his hand before leading him to a room as the dark haired woman slammed the door shut. The room was not that large compared to the other room but it was a bit bigger than an average room, it was colored in purple as it also had differently colored crystals on the walls. Hanaba sat down on the bed as she looked at Dragon who seemed half confused and half annoyed.) "If you're trying to flirt with me then it's not working." (Hanaba smirked as she got up.)
HANABA: "Your thoughts don't think the same." (Dragon gasped as she smiled.)
DRAGON: "Don't tell me you ate a-" (Hanaba suddenly disappeared as she appeared in front of him, much to Dragon's shock.)
HANABA: "Yes I did, I ate the Shisō Shisō No Mi, the ability to manipulate other people's thoughts. That trick I did was just using your thoughts to think that I disappeared but in reality, I just snuck up on you. I can also read people's thoughts but I cannot turn it off, I could also take my conscious and put it into another human but that would cost my life and I will only live in that person's conscious until they die." (Dragon watched in surprise as Hanaba smiled before he smirked.)
DRAGON: "You're not the only one though" (Wind suddenly pushed against Hanaba as she was lifted into the air as she giggled.) "The Kaze Kaze No Mi, a logia able to manipulate all forms of wind, strong winds or even tornados will be manipulated by me, I could make it a small breeze to a massive tornado that can manipulate the weather." (Hanaba was finally brought down as she smiled.)
HANABA: "An impressive Devil Fruit I may say." (Dragon chuckled as he watched the moon begin to rise as he sat down on the bed.) "It's a beautiful moon isn't it?" (Dragon nodded before turning to her.)
DRAGON: "You're goddamn right." (Dragon watched as a bird flew into the room, it was yellow with some of it feathers red as it landed on Hanaba's arm as the admiral smiled.)
HANABA: "What a beautiful bird, it has its freedom and will of its own, it is not bound by chains or royal status." (Dragon stared at her in surprise.)
DRAGON: "Hey Hanaba?" (Hanaba turned towards him as he spoke again.) "What...what are you going on about?" (Hanaba smiled as she sat next to him before letting the bird out the window who flew towards a nest in a nearby tree with its mate who was tending to their offspring.)
HANABA: "What I mean is that the Celestial Dragons should be brought down."
NARRATOR: "The Dragon and the Flower have now met! What is Hanaba meaning on about bringing down the Celestial Dragons?!"