Chapter Twenty-Three:Teach Rampages!!The Story Of The Dragon and Flower Begins?

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Hello Everyone, For anyone wondering why I haven't been saying anything about One Piece: Calamity. I am not gonna drop any trailers so maybe a teaser soon because I want everyone to just hypothesize about what will happen in the movie. Just to get this off my chest a little bit, in the fourth and fifth part of the movie, shit is about to go down. Also there will a five chaptered mini arc that connects to the movie after this current arc, so yeah that's it, hope you enjoy the chapter, Victo out!

NARRATOR: "The Will of D, each fighting the government in a different way but one day, they will unite and bring ruin to them."
Meanwhile with Luffy
(Luffy appeared out of nowhere as Teach punched the sky as the shards raced Luffy while the tendrils slithered towards him as well, to which Luffy disappeared, barely dodging the tendrils and shards. Luffy then appeared before gripping his now bleeding shoulder as Teach cackled.)
TEACH: "ZEHAHAHAHAHAHA Continue your abilities, you'll burn out rather quickly." (Luffy gritted his teeth as Teach put his hands on the ground as tendrils grabbed the rubble before flinging them at Luffy to which he dodged before a tendril grabbed before Teach appeared as a quake bubble appeared in his hand.) "HEAVY EARTHQUAKE!!!!"
(Luffy spat out blood as he was sent flying before crashing into a piece of rubble. His body was shaking as he continuously spat out blood.)
TEACH: "ZEHAHAHAHAHAHA Even if you somehow healed, you're still bleeding countless blood." (Luffy struggled to get up as his eyes were shadowed by his straw hat as Luffy appeared much to Teach's surprise before Luffy's fist reeled back into his forearm. Teach quickly made a wall of darkness until.)
(Luffy somehow punched through the wall, connecting with Teach's face as Teach swiftly fell to the ground, roaring in pain.)
TEACH: How could he break through the wall? (Luffy jumped into the air before both of his fists reeled back into his forearms as Luffy gritted his teeth with steam seething out from his mouth.) I could feel his devil fruit nullified (His eyes widen and his mouth agape as he was hit with realization. Luffy's eyes were uncovered as his eyes were bright red and still. Luffy roared as his fists finally sprung out before charging rapidly at Teach.) He was using physical strength!?
(Teach was struck as he quickly stumbled before being quickly being pummeled on and on. Luffy's eyes narrowed and expanded and then.)
(His eyes then shrunk and expand at an nonhuman rate with a sound of like a fast heartbeat. Luffy roared as he continuously pummeled Teach.)
Meanwhile with the Straw Hat Crew
(The crew ran towards the castle as the ground shook violently much to Usopp's annoyance and fear.)
(The ground spilt as the ground from where the crew was standing was immediately broken in half.)
NAMI: "Everyone jump!!" (The crew jumped as Zeus came out of Nami's climatact before gathering everyone on top of
him as he flew into the sly.)
ZEUS: "Are you alright Nami?" (Nami nodded as the crew looked down on from the ground. The ground immediately cracked open as the buildings fell on top before even more buildings fell as the crew comically sweat-dropped. Dragon stood as he stared at the group fighting Teach in the distance.)
DRAGON: Sabo, Luffy, stay safe.
20 years ago
Meanwhile in Impel Down
(The King Of The Pirates Gol D Roger has barely began the The Great Pirate Age as the world shook to its greatest. In Impel Down, the prisoners laughed and cheered as they watched the Execution of The Pirate King. The inmates hollered as a shadowed cell stood silent before it spoke.)
"That Bastard Really Did It!" (Sounds of chains being violently pulled echoed as the figure grunted before panting.)
"One Day, I will go back to conquer the world."
Meanwhile with Sabo and the group
(The Cerberus roared as the tendrils chased after them before they scattered to avoid the attack as Shanks deflected the tendril that was after him. The ground shook as it lit up in fire before a giant pillar of ice slammed into the Cerberus who both of its heads roared in pain.)
HIDORI: This is not working Kibishi! (The group continued attacking the Hybrid Cerberus as it winced in pain.) They not letting us even move or breath. We attack and they"ll avoid us and strike even harder.
KIBISHI: Hidori, Oroka, you know what? SCREW IT!
(The group were surprised by the sudden roar as it broke the ground in two. Quake bubbles suddenly appeared in the Cerberus's hands as they began striking the ground, making it split even more. The group tried to attack them but were overwhelmed by tendrils. Shanks dodged his batch before racing towards the Cerberus who immediately noticed his before raising his left hand but before Shanks could see it.)
(Shanks was heavily struck by the his quake bubble as he spat out blood before flying and crashing into several buildings.)
SABO: Shanks has been struck? It's like Teach doesn't care anymore?! (The group noticed that the Cerberus started walking towards them as they took fighting stances again.)
ALL OF THE HEADS: "YOU KNOW WHAT, IF I CAN DESTROY THIS ISLAND WITH YOU ON WITH US ALSO DYING" (The Cerberus reeled back both of its fists before dark made arms sprouted as they created quake bubbles.) "THEN SO BE IT!!!!!!"
Meanwhile with the Straw Hats
(Zeus flew as Dragon sat watching the fight go on as he closed his eyes.)
Flashback begins
Thirty-Two Years ago
In Marineford
(Garp walked out the door with Kong yelling at him as he picked his nose with his pinkie.)
GARP: "For the last time I don't want to be an Admiral!" (He knocked on a door as he yelled.) "HEY BRAT HURRY UP AND LETS GO!!" (A black haired man suddenly opened the door as he looked to be about in his twenties, he was deeming a Marine coat with the kanji of justice along with a dark blue suit.)
"Damn geezer, I told I'm not going." (Garp furrowed his eyebrows before.)
(The man was comically pummeled as he twitched.)
GARP: "You're going anyway, you basically have no choice idiot." (The dark haired man got as he mumbled angrily under his breath as a marine officer ran up to him before saluting.)
"Sir, the Gorosei are asking for you immediately!" (The man sighed as he turned to Garp before back to the officer.)
"Fine then, tell them we'll be on our way."
(The officer shouted.)
"Yes Sir Kuroneko!"
Five months later
Meanwhile in the holy land of Mary Geoise
Inside the garden
(A black haired women dressed in fine clothing watched as the flowers bloomed before a servant ran as she panted for breath.)
"What is it that you want of me Sabanto?"
(The women panted as she spoke.)
"My Master! The marines are arriving, should we greet them!?"
(The women smiled as she walked towards the entrance.)
"Please do" (The servant nodded as she yelled.)
"Yes Lady Hanaba!"


Sorry if it's a little shorter and also sorry for the long wait. That was all and I'm immediately now working on the next chapter.

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