Chapter Twenty: The Final Battle Begins!! MONKEY D LUFFY VS MARSHALL D TEACH!!!

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NARRATOR: "The final battle has commenced! Winner takes all!!"
Meanwhile with Franky, Brook, and Chopper
(Chopper lied on the ground as both him, Brook, and Franky panted.)
FRANKY: "Jeez that sure took a long time." (Franky suddenly noticed a branch that looked rather fake.) Don't tell me?!
(He then grabbed the branch as it suddenly pulled itself down as the tree fell down as it revealed a large trapdoor.) "There was a trap door this entire time!!"
CHOPPER: "I even don't care, I'm just tired anyway!"
FRANKY: "Now that I think about it, I could've used Coup De Boo."
CHOPPER/BROOK: "YOU MEAN YOU COULD GOTTEN US OUT OF HERE!!!" (Chopper and Brook yelled in comical fashion.)
FRANKY: "Yeah Yeah, hurry up and get on me back so we can get the hell out of here." (Chopper and Brook grumbled as they climbed on his back as Franky used Coup De Boo, much to their disgust as they flew towards the castle.)
Meanwhile with Luffy
(Luffy and the group continued glaring at Teach having now eaten the Dog Dog Fruit: Model Mythical Cerberus as it suddenly raised it paw as they took a fighting stance as the darkness covered Teach in layers and layers until he was the size of the Sunny before forming a quake bubble in the paw as he slammed his paw, causing a large split in the ground as the island shook.)
LUFFY: "GEAR SECO-GAH!!" (Luffy was suddenly struck by the other paw before he crashed into multiple buildings as Teach roared violently as Teach suddenly his three mouths opened when small black balls appeared before violently shaking, the left head aiming straight for Luffy as the middle head aiming for Law and the group, and the right head aiming for the harbor.)
SHANKS: "EVERYONE, LOOK OUT!!!" (Katakuri summoned a Donut Mochi as he struck the right head as the ball shot for the sky as.)
(Everyone looked in awe and shock as the other heads continued aiming for it.)
LAW: "SHIT!! ROOM!! (The balls finally shoot out as the balls were cut in half as Luffy finally got up, Teach roared as Kid created a giant arm of scrap as Teach suddenly grabbed the arm as he lifted Kid before throwing him into several buildings, Teach was suddenly hit by pressure as it looked to see Luffy now in Gear Second as he suddenly sprint towards Luffy as he swiped his paw as Luffy dodged it until Teach was struck as he turned to Katakuri before roaring at him as Katakuri made his fist become squared shape, Kid created a giant arm before coating it armament, while Luffy inflating it and also coating it armament. They both reeled their fists as there large tendrils raced towards them.)
LUFFY: "GOMU GOMU NOOOO!! (Teach roared as the tendrils suddenly formed quake bubbles.)
(Law backed up as he gripped his head while Shanks stood still smirking as the sudden clash of not two, not three, but four Conqueror's users as the trio struggled back and forth as Teach roared once again as he noticed Law and Shanks running towards him as two large tendrils slither towards Shanks and Law.)
LAW: "ROOM! AMPUTATE!!! (The pieces of tendrils released more as Law created a short blade of energy as more tendrils chased him.) "GAMMA KNIFE!!!" (The sudden burst as Teach roared and swung violently when Luffy was suddenly grabbed before being slammed into the ground while flinging Katakuri and Kid into a building as Shanks ran towards Teach before he dodged several tendrils as he slashed Teach's legs until the heads created the small black balls as they fired rapidly at Shanks who easily dodged them as Luffy got up, gritting his teeth as he inflated his bones and pumped his legs before he began to steam.) "GEAR FIVE!!!" (Luffy suddenly got larger and more bulky as black stripes covered his body except his face, his arms also became a bit bigger than the rest.) "TIGER MAN!!!"
Meanwhile with the Straw Hats
(As the events were unfolding, Jinbe was busy cleaning up Robin and Carrot's wounds as Zoro sat down before falling on his back.)
SANJI: "You're falling asleep right now marimo!?"
ZORO: "Oh shut up curly brow!!" (The two butted heads once again with Jinbe holding them back by their heads.)
SANJI: "Even when you're bleeding rivers, it still doesn't get through your thick skull!!"
ZORO: "EEH!!" (A tick mark then appeared on Jinbe's forehead.)
(The two were bonked on their foreheads as they went unconscious, Jinbe sighed as he noticed Franky, Chopper, and Brook flying before suddenly crashing into a building.)
JINBE: Huh? (The dest settled as Franky came out walking unscathed with Chopper and Brook comically beating him while on his back.)
FRANKY: "Yeah Yeah, can't take a joke" (Franky noticed Jinbe before dropping Chopper and Brook.) "Oi Jinbe, hows it been?"
JINBE: "Oi Chopper, you might wanna hurry up or else Robin is gonna bleed out."
CHOPPER: "KYAA ROBIN!!!" (Franky and Brook sat down as they let out a deep breath.)
USOPP: "OI EVERYONE!!!" (The crew noticed Usopp sprinting towards them as he reached as he panted for breath.) "Wow, I thought we were gonna look more beat up, especially you Brook."
BROOK: "Yohohohoho!! Well I thought the same thing but at least I got a crack?"
USOPP: We expected more though? "I wonder where Nami is?"
(The crew fell onto the floor before multiple buildings were leveled.)
USOPP: "HOLY CRAP!!??" (The ground immediately broke as dark tendrils appeared from the cracks, shocking the crew. The tendrils slithered as they sprouted arms as they start slithering towards them.)
JINBE: Oh shit!! "EVERYONE DON'T LET THE TENDRILS REACH THE INJURED!!!" (The main tendril at the front sprouted four more arms before laughing as it charged with the rest of the tendrils at the crew who took fighting stances.)
Meanwhile with Luffy
(The group panted breathlessly as Teach roared before more tendrils slithered towards them, Law quickly blocked it while Shanks easily blocked, Katakuri used his trident to block the tendrils, and Kid used Repel on the tendrils. Teach then moved before his tail began to elongate before the end of it formed a snake head before it aimed for them as a small ball formed in its ball before disappearing.)
SHANKS: That's strange, the balls normally don't do that. (His eyes suddenly widened.) "EVERYONE GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!"
(Teach's back thenformed long snakes before the snakes also formed small black balls while the main three heads formed large black balls before all of them disappeared as the group quickly prepared their attacks, silence covered the island and then suddenly the dog heads and snake heads opened their mouths as narrow black beams easily sliced the buildings while Katakuri made wall of mochi before it also easily sliced through it like butter, Shanks blocked it as it deflected as it leveled and destroyed multiple buildings while Law barely blocked it before being cut on his shoulder as he gripped it as Kid formed a scrap giant before blocking even though it caused him to fall and caused buildings to fall on him to which he immediately chucked them away until they suddenly looked up and noticing Luffy in his TigerMan form, his fist now even larger than even King Kong Gun.)
(Teach was suddenly subdued by Katakuri and Kid while Law and Shanks cut the knees before Teach's knees buckled as he fell on his knees as Luffy flew down quickly reeling back his fist and compressing it into his forearm as Teach roared as the tendrils were immediately cut down by Shanks.)
(The three heads were struck by the top as they spat out blood as he stood still while Luffy crashed into the ground as he panted as the rest of the group were silence once again until.)
NARRATOR: "The powerful punch has changed Teach entirely and what will happen to the Straw Hats?"