23. Lost in Translation

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Have you ever heard the phrase, "lost in translation?" Or you hear people laughing about something that's only funny in one language? Words are tricky things, and sometimes they can lose meaning or magnitude when translated. Some words will have their meaning completely change over the course of several dozen years, much less several hundred. New words are always being created, old words have fallen away. Language evolves. And this can cause problems occasionally.

I've had the opportunity to serve with dozens of people who have English as a second or even third language. One time a girl was trying to translate a sweet message from her husband that was written in their first language and when I heard it, it just doesn't sound as sweet as she was making it out to be. Because it was lost in translation. Her language had words with meaning that mine didn't have. Her language came from a culture that placed meaning and value on things that mine didn't.

We have all had these experiences! If you haven't, I highly suggest seeking out people who are from different places with different languages. It's so interesting to compare cultures.

But this brings me to my main point, the Bible was written THOUSANDS of years ago, originally in Greek and Hebrew. Did you know that the Greek and Hebrew spoken back then is NOT the same Greek and Hebrew spoken today? Even if those are your native languages, you have to take special classes to understand what the old, original texts say. Back then the greek Bible was sent over and translated to Old English, and over the centuries it has been translated into the English we speak today.

Can you IMAGINE the meaning and value some of these verses had originally that are now lost to time? There are special classes and bibles and resources to help us understand the style of speaking.

Today we have songs that show value by comparing to diamonds and big houses and fancy cars. Back then wealth was described with flocks of goats and having extra oil, or even being able to afford cloth that has been colored and dyed. If you ever get on YouTube and look up how they used to dye clothing, see that it took a season of raising a sheep to shear, weeks of work to prepare wool and turn it into thread to make clothing.
Look up how hard it was to do certain things, suddenly these verses mean SO much more!

I encourage you today, when you read a verse that seems simple, stop and give it a quick google.

You will be SO surprised!
Coming soon: a few very common verses with very overlooked history and meaning.

Sorry it's been so slow, I've been SWAMPED with exams and practicals. Surviving, one day at a time!

Do any of you speak other languages? Do you have experience with things being lost in translation?

Any verses you want me to dig into from the Ancient Greek or Hebrew?

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