The bell rang as she finished talking nonsense into Black Sheeps head, her idea of insurance to make sure that she didn't rat on her and get her in trouble. She quickly moved to Countess Cleo's class not bothering to make sure that Black Sheep was keeping up. Black Sheep quickly fell behind on the account of her legs being a lot shorter than Pink Popper's and got separated from her, not knowing what else to do she followed a random tranie into Professor Malestrom's class.

He immediately took note of her and frowned, "The rest of the faculty never tell me anything" he mumbled to himself, "I was told I would have you know that I have to rearrange my plans" He grumbled to himself.

"Take this time among yourselves to do something useful," He told the class as he went into his office to rearrange his schedule. Black Sheep took a seat up front next to Pink Popper's partner in crime NightShade, who was fully aware of Pink Popper's insurance as was everyone for that matter, and with Malestrom in his office while most of tranies knew better to just mind their own business, a few of the trainees including NightShade saw this as an opportunity to make Black Sheep miserable.

"So what do you think we're gonna learn about today?" Black Sheep said excitedly

"Do you hear something? It must be my imagination" Night Shade said looking around as if Black Sheep wasn't there

"No I hear it, it sounds kind of high pitch, maybe a rat?" Wide Eye said

"All right class settle down today we are going to do something so simple and harmless that even you should be able to understand this Black Sheep" Professor Maelstrom said coming out of his office, many of the tranies groaned and gave Black Sheep a look, even those who knew better than to pick on her gave her a dirty look.

"Today we are going to go over how to get information from someone without using any type of force, only our minds"

Black Sheep raised her hand and Maelstrom sighed, "What?"

"Like mind games?" He sighed again. "Yes like mind games"

"There are many different ways to get information out of someone without using force, a prime example is fear. Depending on who you are trying to get information from you can make empty threat such as hurting family, however, this will not work on everyone you must know your opponent that is key to how you will get the information you desire"

"Another technique you can use is something as simple as a bribe, promise them safety or perhaps wealth in exchange for information. My personal favorite would be blackmail which if you don't know what that is you should get out of my classroom"

Black Sheep went to raise her hand but he cut her off "You don't count" He said before he went around the classroom and handed half of the class a piece of paper with a word on it before walking back to the front of the class explaining what the slips were for.

"The assignment is simple, if you have had a slip of paper all you have to do is not tell your partner what it says on it, your partner will try to get the information out of you. Unfortunately, seeing as there is an odd number one of you will be pairing up with Black Sheep, and for the love of all things evil, try not to reduce her to a complete blubbering mess." With that he dismissed everyone to do the assignment.

"You don't want me to go easy on you, know, do you? That would mean your weak?" Hypno said walking over to Black Sheep seeing this as a keen opprintunipty to get back t her for making him do something so stupid.

Black Sheep shook her head. "Of course not do your worst" Black Sheep said reading the piece of paper that had the words the money is behind the painting.

"Do you like being in class?" he asked her Black Sheep nodded happily

"Then tell me what you know or else I'll tell Coach Brunt how bad your doing and you will never be able to come back to class again."

Little Black SheepWhere stories live. Discover now