Chapter 94

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Savys POV

"I'll ask first!" Riley said almost jumping up.

"Wait wait wait!" Nash said running up to us. "I wanna play" he sat down beside me.

"Ok, Savannah I dare you to get into your bathing suit. And jump into the lake." Riley said with an evil smile.

"But it's cold!" I sighed " and dark!"

"Well no chicken outs" Riley laughed.

"Ok fine. But get a light becomes I swear if a fish touches my foot your gonna die." I said walking to my room.

I really didn't want to put on my bathing suit because its really cold.

I got changed and ran out of my room. I took someone's shoes and ran down the stairs to the dock. Everyone followed.

Theirs cameras and phones out to see me flip out. I placed a towel on the wood and stood at the edge.

The dark water still. The reflection of the moon in the water.

"Did you guys bring lights?" I asked

"Yup" most of them replied.

Shawn turned in the flash light. Most of the lights were the flashlights from everyone's phones.

"Ok here goes.." I said closing my eyes.

I tried to move my feet but they wouldn't budge.

"Do you need help?" Shawn laughed.

"N-" before I could even say 'no' Shawn pushed me in the water.

I panicked a but then as I got to the surface I started to laugh.

"Wow the water isn't actually that cold." I said with a smirk.

Nash bent over and held a hand out for me to take.

"Thanks.." I said reaching for it. "But no thanks" I laughed pulling him in.

"Oldest trick in the book!" Hayes laughed.

Then i got out of the water.

We all headed back up tithe cottage.

I wrapped myself j. The towel and walked up.

Then Nash rushed past me.

"I'm so freakin cold!" He said running up the stairs.

Courtney's POV

About two hours later we arrived back.

I was surprised because we were held up from traffic and it was pretty late for traffic.

We walked into the house to find everyone taking quietly in a circle.

Savy's hair was soaking wet.

"What did you guys do?" I asked.

Quickly wiping away the tears.

"Shhhh" they all said looking at me.


"Alicia is sleeping" Riley Said turning away from me and getting back to whatever they were doing.

I went to my room to get changed.

I got into some pyjamas and sat down with the rest of the group.

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