31-Fireworks part 3

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Yuzuki's POV:

He handed me Teddy as he placed a round shaped firework on the ground a good distance away from us.

"Kana, what is that?"

"It's called a Catherine Wheel." he answered as he lit it on fire with his palms.

He ran back to me and sat us down as we watched the burst of color in front of us. It started out as purple, the same color as Kanato's hair before going to a bright red, flurrying around in a circular motion. Kanato and I looked at each other, eyes sparkling in excitement. I held Teddy tightly, marveling in the sight of the display.

"Kana, where did you find this?"

"It was in your pile of fireworks."

"Really? I don't even remember but I'm glad I did bring it!"

"These fireworks are almost like what my heart feels when I'm around you."

I froze and my eyes widened as I stared at the boy in front of me.

"What.... did you just say?"

"This is what my heart feels like when I'm around you."

I looked at the ground, kicking the sand gently with my feet as my hair covered my face.

"You don't mean that."

Suddenly, I felt a hand tuck my hair behind my ear before it held my cheek gently, making me face him again.

"But I do Yuzuki. You told me as Ayumi that loving someone isn't about hurting yourself to get a person's attention. Spending time with them and getting to know them is what you told me to do in order to figure out this feeling. I did exactly what you told me and I finally figured it out. My not beating heart aches when I'm with you and your smile lights up my world. You're all I think about when I lay in bed at night." he said with confidence.


"I love you so much Yuzuki. With you here, I could even consider getting rid of Teddy."

I gasped and looked down at the bear in my hand before locking eyes with his purple orbs again.

"You... would go that far?"

"Of course I would, if it's for the woman I love." he whispered, looking at me with pure affection.

My breath stilled as the stinging of my eyes came back. I stared at the boy, actually, I can't even say he's a boy anymore. He's become a man within the time we spent together and I was shocked at how quickly he could change. He gently grabbed Teddy from my hands, setting him on fire.

"Wait, Kana!"

"No, I already told you that I don't need him."

I watched as the only thing that was his friend and gave him comfort burn to a crisp as the wind carried its ashes away. My tears were falling as the guilt really set in because I felt like I was responsible for this whole thing. Kanato pulled me into a soft embrace, kissing away my tears as he muttered about how much he loved me. I cried in pain, the thought of separating with this now vulnerable and lonely boy. We heard a shuffle and our head whipped to the sound.

"My turn brat." Yuma said.

Kanato made a 'tch' sound before standing up and dusting his purple yukata off.

"Bye Yuzu."

He walked away and the tall vampire watched Kanato walk away, looking confused as there was no teddy bear in his hand. Yuma sat down next to me and leaned back on his arms, his orange yukata hugging his muscular chest. I blushed, noticing I was staring at it and looked away but I knew he saw based off the chuckle that came out of his mouth.

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