13-Harvesting memories

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Yuzuki's POV:

After getting lost a few times, I finally found myself in front of the door that led to the garden. I sighed in relief and opened the door, only to see no one there. The sun was shining down on me, giving me a clear view of the flowers, vegetables, and fruits that were growing.

"He tells me to meet him outside and he doesn't even show up, stupid Giant," I mumbled.

"I can hear you." A voice suddenly said beside me.

I jumped, punching the person next to me. Yuma groaned and held his nose, blood dripping from it.

"What the fuck, Nezumi?!"

"Oops hehe sorry. You shouldn't scare me like that, I could have sent you to outer space bro."

"Ugh, shut up and help me."

"Who's garden is this anyway?"


I burst out laughing and he turned red.

"Sorry, sorry. I won't judge you about your hobbies. Now, what do you need help with?"

He handed me a basket.

"You're going to help me and harvest my tomatoes."

"Alright, but I get one in return."

"Geh, fine."

I cheered and we both walked to the area where his tomatoes were growing. My mouth watered at the sight of the red fruit. Yuma pulled one off its stem, examining it.

"Looks good," he said while chuckling.

"Stop giggling to yourself, it's weird."

He glared at me and placed the tomato in the basket I was holding. I only smiled innocently at him.

"They do look good though."

"Of course they do. I grew them!"

I looked down as I was instantly reminded of that memory when Shu and I would eat the apples Edgar grew. He would always act cocky, saying that he grew them himself.

'Not much has changed huh?' I thought to myself.

About to confront him about my dream, I turned only to see him crouched down a few feet away from me looking at some cherry tomatoes.

"Why do you even have a garden anyway?" I asked Yuma.

"Because, if we ever get stuck without food, we can live off these for a while."

"I guess that makes sense," I said, walking to him and crouching down.

"These aren't ready yet...." he said to himself.

He started pulling out some weeds and all the overripe cherry tomatoes, throwing them inside a bag that I had not noticed before.

"You sure you want to remove those?"

"Yeah. If you don't take out the bad sprouts, the fruits won't grow big," he said. "Just like humans."

I stayed quiet.

"Isn't it hard growing all of this?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"What's the use of growing them just a few times? It's not like eating one or two would fill us up."

"Yeah, not your fatass," I mumbled.

He glared at me, continuing.

"Though, back when I was roaming in the slums, I would've happily wolfed down a single tomato."

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