5- She's gone?!

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Yuzuki's POV:

"Yuzuki," Ruki said.

I ignored him and grabbed my spellbook from my bag, starting to read.

"Oi Nezumi."

An irk mark appeared on my forehead. I kept ignoring them but I was clenching my fists until they were white. Shu and Subaru each grabbed one hand, rubbing it to calm me down.

"Neko-chan~ Don't ignore us."

I muttered a few words and the end of Kou's blazer caught on fire. He panicked before finally putting it out with his hands, glaring at me with that stupid fake grin of his.


"Yes, Azusa?"

Everyone looked shocked that I even answered him, but he helped me in that game of dodgeball so I couldn't just ignore him.


"Kana! Quiet down. He earned my respect after that game and he seems like the most harmless out of these four. Anyways, what did you want Azusa?"

"We..... wanted you...... to come..... with us...."

That was the last straw. I chuckled darkly.

"All day. ALL DAY YOU FOUR HAVE BEEN BOTHERING ME! EARLIER, YOU ALMOST ENDED UP KILLING MY SISTER AND MY FRIENDS SO YOU THINK I'LL JUST AGREE TO COME WITH YOU GUYS?!" I took a deep breath. "Look, I know you guys are a part of my past and I'm sorry I can't remember. But if you guys keep doing things that put the people I love in harm's way, I'm not going to put in the effort to remember."

By now, the whole cafeteria was staring at me after my outburst. I got up abruptly, gathered my stuff and pushed past the four brothers.

"Where are you going?" Subaru shouted.


I walked down the empty halls when I bumped into a figure.

"Ah, I'm sorry!"

I looked up to see a familiar face, only his appearance was different. He had short blonde hair and glasses instead of his usual long white hair.

"What are you doing here Karl?"

"Hmm, so it seems like you can see through my disguise. Well done."

"Gonna be totally honest with you, that disguise is horrible. At least make yourself a woman or something. And answer my question."

"I'm here as the school nurse, simply to observe how you, Eve and the boys are doing. It seems like you have properly met the Mukami's."

"Mm, they were just as bad as the Sakamaki's when I first met them."

He chuckled before checking the time.

"I must be going. Shu is looking for you by the way."

I nodded as he disappeared without a trace. I felt arms go underneath my legs and my shoulders as I was lifted up. I looked up at Shu and saw that his eyes were closed and Zipper was on his head.

"Riri, let me go. I want to go home."

He yawned as Zipper flew onto my chest, getting comfortable.

"I'll go home with you too since I'm tired."

Suddenly, the brothers and Yui appeared next to us and I jumped, a little surprised.

"We will go home with you too since leaving you two alone would be too dangerous," Reiji said.

Shu made a tch noise before teleporting us back to my room. He threw me on the bed, making Zipper fly up and go into his open cage.

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