2- Danger

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Yuzuki's POV:

I studied the next spell in my book.

'Natures Oath: Recite this spell and any living thing will come to your aid. This applies to both animals and plants'

'Ohoho that sounds pretty cool' I thought to myself.

I didn't notice someone looking over my shoulder reading it with me.

"What's so fun about reading that?" Subaru asked.

"I never said it was fun. I just need to study up if I'm gonna defeat Him."

He nodded before looking out the window. I muttered a few words and held out my palm, a little tree growing from it. For some reason, there were tiny apples growing on it.

"Hmm, that's strange. I don't remember mentioning apples in my spell," I said thoughtfully.

Yui seemed to be in a daze as she stared at the apples.

"Yui? Are you okay?"

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine!"

I nodded before grabbing a tiny apple and giving one to Zipper. He happily started eating it. I offered one to Shu, a bit surprised when he did take it.

This past month has been surprisingly peaceful. I was honestly grateful that these boys don't fight as much as they used to because I did NOT want to deal with that. Suddenly, I got this chill down my neck telling me that we were being watched and something was definitely wrong. I looked at Reiji, a bit panicked.


Suddenly, the wheels of the limo started screeching and the direction of it started getting out of control. It lifted off the air and everyone looked startled, accompanied by Yui's screaming. I flinched a little due to my sensitive hearing. About to hit a tree, Subaru grabbed me and teleported out of the limo before landing safely on the ground. Thankfully, I still had my bag with me.

"Thanks, Suba but you know I'm just as supernatural as you right? I could have gotten out of the limo myself."

"Shut up."

"Ok Mr. Emo."

I looked around seeing that Ayato had grabbed Yui before he dropped her to the floor.

"Aya-kun! You can't do that to her!"

He looked a bit guilty as he helped her stand up. I noticed my little friend was gone and started panicking.


He flew down from the sky and landed on my stomach, not one wound on his tiny body. I sighed in relief and looked down at the fire from the limo.

"What happened? Was this an accident?" Yui asked.

"Don't be absurd. The car was driven by a familiar." Reiji said.

"Can't you answer her a little more nicely Rei-chan?"

He simply ignored me.

"Looks like it wasn't an accident," Shu said.

Suddenly, I felt the same eyes as the one from inside the limo and I looked up the cliff to see four figures.

"It's most likely those assholes," I said pointing.

Everyone followed my finger and looked up at what I assume were four boys, all of them covered by shadows. Getting irritated, I summoned a fireball and threw it at them, easily illuminating their faces.

MOON OF THE NIGHT (A diabolik lovers fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now