🖤Ch.24: Return to Traverse Town🖤

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(Play 'Precious Stars in the Sky')

After recovering the Gummi Ship and making sure everything was still functioning and in proper order despite the rough landing it took, which it surprisingly is, the group takes their leave of Deep Jungle.

Dawn choses to take advantage of the small reprieve and rest as they fly back to Traverse Town to inquire about these new, unusual Gummi Blocks they've been finding around whenever Sora and Dawn seal the Keyhole on a World. It would also give Dylan and Dolly a chance to see their reuniting family.

Though the young adult Dalmatian siblings don't voice it, they are grateful that the idea is brought up.

Dawn also wishes to visit Merlin and Fairy Godmother to inquire about her sudden overload of Magical prowess and the strange Gems the baby gorillas gifted her with that appear to exude Magic. She should also see about some tutelage in regards to enhancing her physical strengths and fighting style by the veteran fighters that have made their place in Traverse Town. If she is to help her friends, herself, or anyone, for that matter, she needs to be in top shape on all fronts: physically, magically, mentally and skill-wise.

With the journey steadily becoming more treacherous, and opposition becoming stronger at every turn, it's better to be prepared.

Though experience doesn't seem to be something that Dawn is lacking in anyway. Sure, there have been times so far that her skills with her newfound weapon and magic have hiccuped. And by "hiccuped", that means blowing up in her face or not working the way she wants it too, luckily never when she's in any immediate danger or when she finds herself in any situation that her own physical strength can't make up for.

But since forcefully vacated from the World she's grown to call home, she's been put through the ringer on both fronts.

If facing off against swarms of Corrupted Heartless and "evil" alien experiments isn't enough, then top it off by facing off against a temperamental, tyrannical queen and her card soldiers, going through a series of gladiator-level trials and facing down the three-headed Guardian of the Underworld of legend, and finally going toe-to-toe with a pair of wild panthers who want have you for lunch and a maniacal hunter with a penchant for shooting first and not asking any questions later.

As soon as her body hits the chair, the tension in her muscles slowly eases away, leaving her entire form to loll and slouch. Darkness soon overtakes her vision as her eyelids can no longer stay open.

(End 'Precious Stars in the Sky')

(Play 'Villains of a Sort')

{Within a darkened meeting chamber, a small council of beings of the Corrupted Darkness discuss the growing "issues" that threaten their plans. "Issues" being two Keyblade wielders and their respective party of companions.

"What drew the Heartless to that world?" The tall, lanky silhouette queries, inquisitively.

The green-skinned fae-like woman in dark garb answers. "The hunter lured them there. It was his lust for power that was the bait. But it seems the bait was too tasty for his own good."

The symbol of the False Heartless marks the dark wall behind her.

The wide-set character with stumpy limbs and floppy head cackles. "Yeah, he got chomped instead!"

The lanky character hums in agreement to the former's comment, stepping into the small amount of light in the otherwise darkened room. "A weak-hearted fool like him stood no chance against the Heartless."

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