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I felt someone's hand on my cheek, which made me open my eyes... To the welcoming and worried ones of my teacher.

"Mr. David... You do realize that this is inappropriate, right?" I kept my voice soft, simply raising an eyebrow.

He didn't flinch nor stop, but looked more worried.

"Is that how you kept everyone away? With humor and violence?" His perfect brows furrowed themselves as his eyes started shifting to green. "Is your Father the one that makes you pull away from people trying to care for you?" He seemed so worried, so hurt...

I didn't like seeing him like that... It felt almost as if I had killed him! And I hated that feeling! I really, really did!

"Everyone in my family, except my Mother, was against me... The sister I thought I could trust, never believed me... And eventually left... The man who gave me life, hates me... And every time I see him, he reminds me of how worthless and pathetic I am... The only people I ever learned to trust was my Mother and my friends... We became our own family..." I explained, shifting my head into my pillow. "Though... I still love and miss my sister... She may not have believed me, but she at least made me forget what he had done to me..."

Ash didn't look any less worried, but he nodded anyway.

"You're too weak to go to school or leave the Manor... Not even this room... I'll personally take care of you till you can leave..." He paused, still having his hand on my cheek. "And I meant what I said that day."

With those final words, he left me. He left me in a room where I was alone to sleep...

I closed my eyes and for the first time in a long time, I started to cry.

I hadn't even cried for her... And she meant everything...

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