IX| A Run

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"JJ!" A sharp voice called, a light body colliding with my back.

A hiss escaped my lips as I quickly dropped whoever the hell thought doing that was a good idea!

"Really, Vipes! That hurt!" I growled.

The little scorpion rolled her eyes, raising an eyebrow.

"Sorry, I haven't seen you for three months! Like you weren't even at the Pack House!" The little woman cried, it mostly sounded like she was whining.

"Sorry, sorry... I had to spend some time with Father...."

The relaxed, tanned girl instantly became tense as her grey eyes darkened.

"What? Why?"

Her voice held deadly venom, anger blazing behind those dull eyes like a forest fire.

"I got in trouble... I nearly killed three transfers... The leader talked about my mother." The more I talked, the weaker my voice became. It was stupid of me to attack them like that...

The girl scoffed, the anger blazing brighter.

"They're lucky I wasn't there." She hissed.

Sighing, I nodded. If she was there, they'd be six-feet under before the minute mark. She doesn't play nice when it comes to things like that, after all my mother was like her mom too. In fact, all of us our like a family, my mom being the "Mother" and us being her "Pups".

"Come on, lets go out for a run?" It was more of a question than a statement.

They all did that. Even though I was only sixteen-turning seventeen in a couple of months- they all look towards me for permission on somethings. Specially Ace, who's nearly nineteen, definitely older than me!

"Yeah, tell the boys to meet us at the spot."

The slim girl gave a happy chirp, swiftly typing on her phone. It looked new, so either some unlucky guy lost his phone or some idiot had fallen for her little tricks.

"They said they'll be there in twenty."

I nodded and headed over to her car, she hopping in the driver's seat.

It honestly was a peaceful ride there, the wind whipping in my face as the coolness of outside settled in my bones, numbing the dull ache I felt. It was nice, really.

The place we were meeting the others was a little ways in the forest on the rich side of town. We go there often enough that no one pays any mind, plus with Viper's nice looking car, they never really did.

"We're here." The slim girl gave me a calm smile, her eyes twinkling at the thought of a run.

I only half-heartedly returned the smile, climbing out of her Dodge Challenger.

"There you are! We were wondering when you'll show us your face!" The dirty blond laughed as the red-haired boy only gave me a soft wave.

"Well, lets see how much faster you've gotten since I left."

That was all it took, and we were off!

The sound of laughter and feet hitting the dirt ground drifted around us, the forest listening to us.

"Come on! You call that running!" I shouted over my shoulder.

Ace growled at me, easily catching up to me with his strong legs.

Steel gave a childish giggle, jumping on the long wall of rocks. He always preferred high places than just the ground.

I could feel my legs and back hurting from running, but I didn't care. This was the best feeling of all!

The feeling of being free, the wild sense of control and hope filling your body! Hearing the sound of the dirt move beneath your feet, feeling the wind blow in your hair as you just run... Running from nothing but everything.

A laugh escaped my lips as I jumped over a fallen tree, hitting the ground running.

"Catch up!" I shouted, only being answered by laughter.

I slid under a small archway made of rocks, swiftly getting back up to run again.

It could've been two hours, maybe more, but as the sun started to fall, all of us were sweaty and in a need of a drink, only then did we stop.

"Yo, lets go to Wild Animal." I suggested.

WA was a new bar in town, best thing was they don't card you. Well, if the bouncer sees you.

Viper gave a whoop as the other two nodded.

"Race ya'll back!" Ace shouted, dashing without warning.

"Hey! Cheater!"

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