XXXVIII| Meeting The Parents

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I sighed softly as I swayed on my feet slightly, bored.

Ashton had called everyone, and I mean everyone from around the Manor to the living room.

There were just so many people... Like a lot of people. There were people I hadn't even seen yet! The damn living room was packed... No wonder the place had to be so damn big... Bet some of these fuckers were dating...

The front door soon opened and Ashton along with his sister finally come inside. They seriously left us all here, waiting for them to get back from whatever the hell they were doing!

I tensed a bit, planning on walking over to those two and giving them a piece of my mind, yet... Someone stopped me.

Glancing behind me, I saw Crystal. Her eyes were wide with fear, her subtly shaking her head.

I furrowed my brows a bit, confused. Why did she look scared? Ashton wouldn't really do anything to me... He hasn't yet anyway.

Turning my attention back to them, I noticed that... They weren't alone.

The two of them were companied by three other people. Older people... Two of who I could only assumed were Hot Stuff and Charlie's parents.

"Everyone is here, Father." The hazel eyed man stated in a rather calm, professional manner.

I raised an eyebrow at that.

The older man's hard eyes instantly went to me... And I could shit you not, it was almost like looking into the eyes of a demon...

I honestly wanted to bow my head... To break eye contact... But I wasn't going to let this old bastard really scare me... I won't.

I narrowed my eyes at him, keeping my entire focus on him and the room.

We had the stare off for a short while, then he started smiling?

"My! Aren't you a feisty child!" He said happily, suddenly pulling me into a tight hug.

I went stiff for a moment, before pushing away from him.

"Who the fu-" Ash stopped me, answering my stupid question.

"Jaxon, this is my Father. He's the one who had honestly made the company the way it is now."

The old man laughed softly, shaking his head.

"You are making the company even better! Making more improvements that I haven't even thought possible!" He seemed... weirdly jolly...

One of the woman laughed as well.

"Yup! We're happy the company and the Pack is in your hands." She gently grabbed Ash's face and gave it a soft kiss.

The second woman chuckled at them all, lightly shaking her head. She finally stepped forward and introduced herself and the other two.

"Hello, I'm Lillie and this woman here is Bella and her husband Logan. And don't worry, their bark is worse than their bite." She had a gentle smile, and a very relaxed feeling...

I nodded, looking at the old couple again. They didn't seem to be a threat... More like a happy married family...

But, I felt like I was missing something... And to be honest, I don't really trust those two...

I better keep my distance then. Shouldn't be that hard actually.

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