The catch

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Pathetic. That word echoed through the cave " What the hell. Where is the Y/n I know that doesn't take words to heart!"

" THAT Y/N IS GONE!! CAUSE SOMEONE WHO WAS DEAR TO HER JUST WENT AHEAD AND SAID SOMETHINGS AND THAT PERSON WAS BAKUGOU KASUKI!!!" She starts to cry. It hurt hearing her say my first name instead of my nickname she gave me" I just want to die everyone hates me." She puts her face in between her knees.

I was speechless " I-" She gets up " I what!!" She punches me in the face " Say something damnit!!!" She keeps punching me I caught her fist. " I'm sorry I only said those things out of anger." I hug her she tensed up

Your POV

He hugging me the Bakugou Kasuki is hugging me and he said sorry should i forgive him

" Forgive him he is the reason why you are like this the reason why they hate you." She spoke " No damnit leave me alone get out my head!" I screamed " Come on when was the last time you wanted help from me and this your chance to start a new life again you can be away from them."

I try not to get persuaded " Y/n?" I blast myself back so.i can knock myself out " Y/n!" Then everything turned black


I was in a dark room sitting in a chair " Hi did you miss me?" She whispered in my ear " Get away from me!" I barked " Well I can't I am apart of you I was born inside of you."

Her name is Curse she is my undercover quirk she is the reason why I ran away from my real family the reason why I had that disguised.

" Why didn't you listen to me I could've helped you so many times." Curse stated " Well guess what I hate you for everything." The rooms starts to turn white "Well my time is up bye Y/n I'll see you later."

I woke up in a hospital see Dadzawa asleep in the chair " Did he really stay here?" I get up and hug him " Wake up Dadzawa." He wakes up with wide eyes and hugs me back," You scared me I thought I would never see you again."

I felt a like punching myself because I worries the Dadzawa who is not really the emotion type " Awww you have fellings."

He punches me in my head " Yeah guess what your grounded also you have to say sorry to everyone on the class." I puff my cheeks " Okay." He pays my head " Now get some rest you'll be discharged tomorrow."

I was standing in front of the class door " Class today we will be discussing some upcoming events but first someone has to say something." That was my cue to go in.

I walk in and everyone gets quiet " Y/N-chan!" Izu-chan ran and hugged me " I missed you so much!" I started to cry " I-I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hurt your guy's feelings and I never wanted to lied to you it's just I thought that you all would hate me."

I heard Izu-chan sniff and my shirt started to get wet " Y/N-chan I didn't know you felt that way." He hugged me tighter then I heard a bunch of other sniffs " I am sorry Y/n we weren't thinking about your feelings!" The girls yelled " Yeah sorry Y/n we felt so guilty." Kaminari said " I walk over to Kaminari and hugged him.

" You are so cute!" He starts to blush and I could feel a pair of Crimson red eyes burnout into my back " Porcupine my back hurts stop staring at me I know I am the prettiest ." He gets up and grabs me by my collar " YOU BITCH I'LL KILL YOU!"

I smile " Nice to be back Porcupine" He blushes and let's go " *cough cough* Now that is down Y/n and Shoto I need you two to talk things out" We go out of the class outside " Shoto i-." He hugs me " You scared me why'd you leave."

" I thought if I left you wouldn't get that hurt anymore I thought I was only making things worse for you." He laughs " What happened to the girl who reads books and who was smarter and taller than me?"

I kick him " I haven't drinking that much milk that's all." We head back to class and the rest of the day was normal but I still had my diguse on but they didn't care.

Yeah I don't know if that was good or not but I don't care thank you for reading bye

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