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it's just that fate happens to flip the pages
faster than you can read


Mozzie is unlike any specimen Kira's ever met. Paranoid, little Mozzie. Knows everything about everything, even conspiracy theories. He killed off his true name before he even met Kira and all he's ever been known as is Mozzie. The Mozzie, who gave his most prized possession to a little girl because she needed Mozart more than he. She would forever be grateful for that act of kindness he showed to her, even if it was so long ago and they were so young.

And now, today of all days, on the day Mozzie despised most, she would try her best to repay his acts of kindness to her. The day that comes every year.

The birthday.

Mozzie disliked his birthday just as Kira does. The only reason Kira knows it's his birthday is because he told her when they were younger, when they met for the second time — Kira with Mozart and Mozzie with...


"I knew you'd come back for him." Sixteen year old Kira said to Mozzie. He was much older than when she last saw him and she was much older than when he last saw her. They have both grown immensely, mentally and physically.

Kira has found Alex and, although, her old foster parents, Hal and Laci Henderson, gave her back, Alex was her constant. As much as Kira — sometimes — hated it, Alex was all she had and Kira was all Alex had. They seemed to be a perfect fit for each other.

Kira has not forgotten about Mozzie, the young seventeen year old who gave her Mozart when she was just a small child. No, she was reminded of Mozzie every time she looked at Mozart. She carried him with her wherever she went, took care of him as she promised all those years ago. Mozart has been given to her out of kindness, but Mozart still belongs to Mozzie.

And she hopes she will see him again. One of these days.

Kira couldn't have been more surprised, though, when she was packing her things in her bedroom and her eyes — by chance — went to her window.

And she saw him. She saw Mozzie. He pushed up his glasses to get another look at the address before he walked further. She tilted her head at him. She studied him now as she has been taught by Alex. To learn his behavior and what makes him tick. Mozzie avoided walking through the grass and stayed on the cement, swiveling through Hal's truck and Laci's small car that were taking up the driveway so much.

He looked much older, almost unrecognizable.


But she remembered that look. That young boy with those round glasses and big, doe eyes. There he was — her eyes drifted away to the bear sitting beside her small luggage — and he's come for Mozart.

Kira stepped away from the window now and to the bear. The bear with a missing eye, that looked as if it's gone through hell and back. The most prized possession of Mozzie and here he has come now.

Back for Mozart.

She was excited to see Mozzie again, but now that he has come, she just didn't know if she could give Mozart up. That bear has been with her through the thick and thin. Alex didn't even know about Mozart. Kira would say nothing of him to her. He was her little secret.

As I Collide, I See I Am a Paradox // White CollarDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora