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your kiss
was the
only touch
that penetrated
my walls


"Ugh..." Kira lets out a pained groan. Her forehead wrinkles in pain when she began to hear a loud bass drum being played nearby. It made it difficult to think clearly. It takes longer than a moment to realize that there is no loud bass drum, but it was instead the pounding of her head.

She raised her head, practically needing to peel it from her pillow. She winced at the bright overhead lights that seemed unusually brighter than normal. Kira looked around wincing, her eyes screwed up against the glare. She looked around further to get her bearings. Then, she looked down at herself to realize she had no clothes on. The only thing covering her naked body was a sheet wrapped around her.

What the hell happened last night?

Her brow crinkled as she struggled to remember, a task not helped by the insistent pounding in her head. She rolls over weakly and groans from the pain she feels in her vagina. She was sore. Looking to her left, she spots two pills laying on her nightstand with a glass of water next to it.

And who put that there?

Kira grabs the pills and swallows them, then takes a quick drink of water. Pulling herself to her feet with the sheet wrapped around her body like a drape, Kira grabs her robe laying in her dresser and wraps it around her. The sheet drops onto the floor. Kira turns around and runs a quick hand through her hair. She turns around to glance at the bed she just came from.

Just then, the bathroom door opens and Neal walks out, a towel wrapped around his waist. Nothing but a towel. His hair was flopped to different sides as water dripped from it. When he sees Kira, his eyes widen. He clears his throat, "...Morning."

"Neal?!" The first thing out of her mouth was his name, spoken with absolute confusion. Her stomach began to churn and paired with the dull throbbing of her headache — it felt like hell. Her hand slowly reaches her mouth. She lets out a breath, "Oh, God, I feel like I'm going to be sick."

Another churn. Her eyes widen and she takes off in a run to the bathroom, pushing past Neal. He hadn't even blinked and she was out of there and Neal followed after her, more than a little concerned for her.

With Kira emptying the contents of her stomach in the toilet, Neal held back her hair to let her know that she wasn't alone. Her coughs and her sputters made his heart wrench and he desperately wished there was something he could do to help her through it. However, nothing was coming to mind; he'd just have to wait it out. There wasn't exactly anything to do to help relieve a hangover.

"Neal..." Forehead resting on the toilet seat as she huffed out a breath, Kira brought a hand up to wipe her mouth. She refused to meet his gaze, afraid even the slightest movement would be enough to give her the need to vomit again. Speaking proved too much effort, and she fell quiet, eyes slowly closing as she weakly flailed one hand out to try and reach the toilet handle to flush.

With one hand holding her hair, Neal reaches over her to flush the toilet with his free hand. Truth be told, Kira didn't remember every little detail of what happened last night. The most vivid memory she could recall was specifically telling Jayson that she stole the pocket watch and him leaving. After that, she definitely did not go light on the wine and it was though she had blacked out. With no recollection of stumbling around and making out with Neal Caffrey, Kira had no idea whether she should be afraid of asking him for the truth or not.

As I Collide, I See I Am a Paradox // White CollarWhere stories live. Discover now