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Like three tigers in a cage
Fierce like fire
Having a desire
for revenge
Not making amends


Kira's feet tapped lightly on the ground. Her steps were short and slow as she walked side-by-side with Matthew. Her gaze was locked on the ground in front of her feet as she remembered this hallway. They've been there before. This was all familiar.

She knew where she was, as did Matthew. Kira spoke in a passive aggressive tone as she continued to walk, "Well, doesn't this seem oddly familiar." Matthew gives her a short look, then continues to walk. She never even looked at him, "You know, I knew you only cared about yourself, but I didn't think you would ever do this."

"Then, you didn't know me at all." Was his response as they came to a stop. They reached the familiar hotel room door and Matthew knocked. The door was opened after a few seconds and after being searched, the two were let inside. As the door shut behind them, they look around, only to stiffen when an all too familiar man came into sight.

"I should kill you right where you stand." Ryo steps in front of Matthew threateningly, then turns his gaze on to Kira, "Both of you." He turns his back to her and begins walking over to a bottle of scotch. He opens the bottle and pours himself a glass, "I've been informed there's still one Akiyama walking around, and yet, you return to me."

Matthew takes a step, "That's why I brought her." He gestures his hand towards Kira.

Ryo takes a sip of his scotch, "Trying to save yourself?" He puts the glass of scotch down and walks back over to them, "Do you know why I wanted the Akiyamas killed? And no, it wasn't just because they...pissed me off. Although, that was part of it. No..." Ryo steps beside one of his men and holds out his hand. The man pulls out his gun and hands it to Ryo, "...My employer had something I wanted. And my employer wanted them dead. All of them. Not half. Not 99% of them." Ryo begins loading the gun, "All of them. Now, you've," He gestures his gun towards Matthew, "made my employer unhappy. And when my employer's unhappy, I'm unhappy." Ryo smirks and aims his gun towards Matthew, "And when I'm unhappy," His smirk fades, "someone dies." He lowers his gun, "Here's the thing, though." Ryo begins to pace in front of the two, "I've recently received word that my employer's dead. Someone shot him. Right between the eyes." Ryo stops in front of Keller, pointing to his forehead. He lowers his finger, "I don't suppose you know who that was...?"

Matthew tilts his head, "To tell you that, I'd have to know who he is."

Narrowing his eyes, Ryo steps back, "His name was Charles Olsen. He was the only one who knew the location of the Honjo Masamune. And unfortunately, that information died with him. My intel informs me that you two were the last people to see him alive." He glares at them both, "Now, I don't know which one of you killed him and I honestly don't care."

In a quick move, Ryo lifts his gun to Matthew's head, but doesn't fire when Matthew blurts, "Wait! Wait! I think we might be able to help each other."

"Give me one reason I should not shoot you where you stand."

Glancing at Matthew, Kira already knew what he was about to say. Her face twists into a glare as she growls at him through gritted teeth, "Don't."

As I Collide, I See I Am a Paradox // White CollarTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon