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she just wants to forget


Scott Towner made it a habit, for quite some time now, to take his lunch in the park. He found it rather relaxing to be able to just sit and watch people, which was quite the reversal from the norm. Most federal agents don't take their lunches in the park. Most federal agents don't follow two suspects to Copenhagen, Denmark.

He is not most federal agents.

The bench at the far south-west of the park was his favorite. It had the best view of the duck pond, and he found great joy in watching the small children feed the ducks, and run at the ducks, and occasionally run, screaming, from the ducks. He had grown so accustomed to being able to sit there, that, on this particular Wednesday, when he found someone already seated on the aforementioned bench, he was rather taken aback.

Kira sat there. Yes, she knew this was where he took his lunch. She knows things about this man only he would know. She knows what his shoe size is. She knows how he takes his coffee. She knows what time he goes to bed at night. But it was what she didn't know that bothered her.

And she would find out.

It had been almost an hour before Towner showed. And as time went on, Kira began to feel the lactic acid in her shoulders start to loosen. The park was beautiful this time of year; flowers bloomed everywhere, the trees flourished, the weather was calm and gentle — neither windy nor hot. Kira couldn't imagine living her life like this. People were always on the go, walking briskly with their heads bowed down low. There was no time to stop and breathe, to sit on a café and enjoy watching people pass. It was as if the people there walked on a straight line and it would be a sin to deviate from it even for a second. People walked around the park, enjoying it, having a good time — being happy.

Everyone but her.

"The staring's becoming a bit much, don't ya think?" She said and turned her head towards him.

He became startled, realizing that he's been gaping at her for a good few minutes, "I'm sorry." He managed to blurt out. "It's just that..." And here he ran out of words. He knew her and she knew him. He was sure of that now. She did know him. He just wasn't sure how much she knew. And Towner found that dangerous.

"...I took your bench, didn't I?" She asked, good humor sparkling in her eyes. But Towner knew better. As he stated before, he knows who she is. And he knows very well she is used to faking her emotions. She is used to manipulating people.

He would have to be careful around her. This is a woman who is used to playing on people's emotions. She is used to studying people and getting on their good side just by saying a few words and flashing a nice smile...with the occasional bat of her eyelashes.

Yes. he would have to be careful. Because if he was not, he might slip up. And he could not afford that.

"Yes, but you didn't know." He said, bluffing. He only hoped she would not call him on it. She was smart. He would not underestimate her. That would be a grave mistake. Kira cocked an eyebrow at him. "I mean, well, it's not that it's my bench, anyway, and you're certainly welcome to sit anywhere you want." The corners of her lips turned up as she tried to repress laughter. Turning a bright red, he made to leave, with a muttered, "I'm sorry, I'll just sit somewhere else, yeah?"

As I Collide, I See I Am a Paradox // White CollarWhere stories live. Discover now