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Life lately is a bunch of
deadlines and running out of's
and it just won't stop.


Day One
Saturday, March 26, 2005

"I hate this song."

"Bad Day" by Daniel Powter played on the radio. Matthew smirked at Neal's loud protest from behind him and bobbed his head to the music even though, he too, did not like the song. "I think it's catchy." He spoke, a smirk on his face.

Jayson rolls his eyes and winces when he leans forward between Kira and Matthew's seats, "For goodness sake, man." He groans, scrunching his face up in disgust, "If we can't have anything decent on the radio, it's better to just turn it off."

Matthew turns his head around to Jayson, "Jayson, sit in your seat and buckle up like a good boy." Jayson glares at him, but does as told.

Matthew begins pushing buttons. First, he rolled down Neal's window. The rushing air blew his hair around, annoying Neal. Jayson, however, liked the cool breeze and tried to lean towards Neal to get closer. Matthew rolled up the window quickly and Neal began to whimper and fuss, "Hey, you rolled my hair up the window!" He shouted, attempting to both free himself and pummel Matthew at the same time. As he struggled, several strands of brown hair broke free and dangled from the window. Matthew let out a few laughs, but once Kira shot him a look, he unrolled the window and allowed Neal to get free. Once Neal was free, he rolled it back up.

When the song changed, Matthew perked up mockingly, "Ooh! My favorite!" He turns up the radio that was now playing "Come Sail Away" by Styx.

Neal rolls his eyes and sinks back into his seat while Jayson bangs his head against Kira's seat, wincing the entire time from his injuries, but he found it necessary. "Turn it down!" Kira shouts over the music. She gripped the steering wheel hard, growing more and more frustrated every passing minute. She was just about ready to throw the three of them out of the tiny windows of the car and not care whether or not they landed safely.

Matthew obliges and turns the song down, only for Kira to hear Neal's shivering voice, "I'm cold." Neal's yelled out from the backseat.

"Well, damn, Neal, I can't control the air." Matthew snaps, tilting his head back just a little. He turns his head back towards the window where he looks outside.

Neal leans between his and Kira's seats, pointing, "Actually, you can, you see, you just turn that little knob right there—"

Matthew turns around to face him, "—Just because I can, doesn't mean I want to."

"Where are we going?" Jayson calls out to Kira from behind her.

"Somewhere with food." Kira finally speaks, "I'm starved." She takes a glance at her rear view mirror when she asks, "Who's hungry?"

"Me." Come the voices of Jayson, Neal, and Matthew.

"Let's go to McDonald's!" Jayson yells out excitedly. He looked very much like a four year old in that moment.

"No!" Neal and Matthew both yell in protest, then look at each other to give a glare.

"We're not going to McDonald's!" Kira snaps. Rolling her eyes, she rests her elbow on her door and leans her head on her fist.

As I Collide, I See I Am a Paradox // White CollarWhere stories live. Discover now