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Lets play a game,
The one where we act like we know each other.
Let's play a game,
The one where I'll pretend to never hurt you.
Let's play a game,
Lets play a game.


A curious sensation began with her, starting with the suddenly heightened beating of her heart and tingling throughout her entire life being down to the ends of her fingers. It happened just as she broke through the mist that had heretofore been enshrouding the forest, the very forest she journeyed deep within along with three others on her tail. Jayson was the only one complaining. He seemed to bounce back-and-forth between "My feet are killing me" and "I'm starving, when are we going to eat?"

From in the distance as she approached the colossal expanse of trees, it looked like adventure — a vast hillside of brightest spring greens and emeralds, a hearty land of evergreens and tall, young saplings interspersed with long, cool stalks of bamboo. It was wilderness and freedom, the kind that almost made her believe that she was safe from the outside world. From everyone out to get her — whether it be the Feds or Ryo himself. But just the sight of it all reminded her why she was there in the first place, she wasn't free.

Not even close.

Indeed — the necessity of caution was never far from her mind, whether it be misplaced as paranoia or not — especially when she came across a path as she did then: The crude line of dirt was barely visible. Nonetheless, the long grass around it was well packed. It extended through the line of the woods in two directions, running east-west before her. Unkempt locks of dark, brown hair fluttered about her face, long and divided at the front in two as she examined the situation and considered which path to take. It mirrored their current dilemma. On the choice they all had to make — together.

Life or death?

Left or right?

Matthew came up beside her, "Are you sure this is the right way?"


"I don't think this is the right way."

"It's the right way."

"I don't think that's food." Neal's voice is heard from behind the two. Kira turns around to see Jayson holding a potato plant.

Jayson holds it up to Neal, "It's a potato."

"I see that."

"Potatoes are vegetables."

Neal takes the potato from Jayson's hands, "This potato, however, is dirty — for one. And two — it's poisonous."

"Yeah, right." Jayson scoffs and takes the potato back from Neal.

"Go ahead, then. Try it." Neal gestures towards the potato.

Jayson pauses and takes a look at the potato, then loosens his grip on the vegetable and watches as it falls on the ground. Kira turns back around to the two paths just as Matthew speaks again, "Well, which road should we take?"

"Why, the yellow brick road, Dorothy."

"Ha-ha." Matthew scowls.

As I Collide, I See I Am a Paradox // White CollarWhere stories live. Discover now