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back into the fray again


Kira stopped the Dodge at Urayasu Runway where two jets sat waiting for their passengers. They all exited the car in a quick fashion. Mozzie and Jayson rushed to the jet, Jayson ahead a few feet because Mozzie moves at a certain pace. Neal went to follow, but stopped and turned back when he saw Kira waiting for Matthew. She gestured him away, "I'll be there in a sec." She said and he nodded, backing away slowly. Kira could see the reluctance on his face to leave them alone, but evidently decided to go.

Matthew closed the back door and stepped towards the front of the car where he saw Kira's right elbow leaning on the hood. He stood on the other side of the car, leaning his elbow on the hood in return. She tilted her head, "I didn't know Jayson would turn you in."

"Is that so?" He said in a tone.

"It is."

"You see," He squinted his eyes from the sun and looked around cautiously, "I don't believe you. Why else would you keep Plan B from me? You know, actually, I think," He shifted his body weight to get comfortable where he stood, "you wanted to get rid of me and this was your way of doing that. Of course, Jayson has no problem with it." He shrugs, "I killed his daddy, he gets his pants in a twist. And Caffrey..." Matthew shakes his head, "...I'm sure Caffrey didn't need any convincing, either. What I don't understand is you." He looked at her, "Them I expected this from, but you?" He genuinely sounded hurt, "You fooled me. You strung me along this little game of yours planning this and planning that and it all ended up with me behind bars where I belong, am I right? Then, you and the rat pack take off and everything is wrapped in a nice, little bow." He tilts his head, "Everybody gets what they want. Everyone, but me. No, you had your hand in this, just like you had your hand in everything else. Don't blame it all on the new kid. He doesn't know the rules."

"The rules?" She repeats, a bit of sass in her tone. She hated being accused of this because all in all, it wasn't true, as much as she wanted to take credit for it, "You mean the honor among thieves bit?" She shakes her head at him, "I can't believe you, of all people, are bringing that up to me." She pushed herself from the Dodge, "You have no honor. You're not capable of it! Your heart is the size of a pea and you cause other people pain when it's convenient for you. That's who you are. So, don't you dare compare me to that you asshole."

"You know, you better hope we don't meet again, 'cause next time I won't hesitate." He said and clenched his jaw. He walked past her and towards the other jet. Kira turned just slightly and watched him go, then looked towards her jet where Jayson peeked out. He gestured her over so they could leave. Kira glanced at Matthew again and watched as he boarded the other jet, then closed the door behind him. She heard his jet prepare to leave when she entered to see Jayson inside. Kira closed the door behind her and watched as Jayson came to the front where Mozzie and Neal sat in the pilot's seats, "Let's go." He said, then came back to see her sitting down.

As the jet engine whirred, the thrusters of the aircraft roared at its power to push the jet towards the runway to take off to the skies. Jayson sat down next to Kira silently and saw her head leaned back, resting against the walls of the jet. Her eyes were closed as if she was maybe trying to take a short nap. Jayson looked down guiltily. He didn't really want to wake her, but he also needed to say what he was about to say. And so he did. "I'm sorry." He said and she peeked one of her eyes open. His face was barely visible within the small sight, but then she opened the other eye and adjusted her head's position. He continued, his gaze lowered, "I just-I knew where Keller was and I knew that our time here was about over. And I saw a chance, so I took it. I couldn't let him get away with it." He shook his head, "Even-Even if my father was as bad of a man as you said he was. The thought that I let his killer run free and didn't do anything about it would just," He took a sharp breath and ended, "eat me alive." His guilty gaze lifted to her, "I'm sorry. I didn't think about the consequences." He thought about it for a minute. Or maybe he did and he just didn't care. Now that he thought back on it, his anger clouded everything else. All he cared about was seeing Matthew go down for what he did. He didn't want anyone else have to experience it.

As I Collide, I See I Am a Paradox // White CollarWhere stories live. Discover now