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I am lost.

tell me where i am


It was five days after Jayson's birthday. Five days after they stole the cipher from Reina Akiyama. Tensions still hung in the air as if it was the same day. It was a Wednesday morning when Kira went out of Jayson's house to go for a walk. She knew Jayson only stayed in London because of his Papa and when his Papa passed, he would finally make his decision. And she only stayed in London because of Jayson. She could not leave him to go through this alone.

Or maybe she just wanted to be with him, next to him. In his presence.

Her thoughts betrayed her so she went on a walk. She pulled out her burner as she did so and brought it to her ear, "Hey. How goes it with our cipher?"

She heard Neal on the other end, "Mozzie still hasn't cracked it."

"Uh—" Mozzie interjected, "—neither of us have. We don't have the five letter keyword. We can't crack the cipher without it."

"Okay. I'll see what I can do on my end."

"Neal is distracted." Mozzie said it quick like he wanted Kira to reprimand him before he left to go to work.

Kira couldn't even get a word in, "I'm not distracted. I'll get the password." She heard the door open and close from the other end, which could only mean that Neal left. While Kira stayed in London with Jayson, they returned to New York with the cipher to continue working on the con at hand.

And to crack the cipher. But it doesn't seem like either is going okay right now.

"Kira..." Mozzie's voice deepened after Neal left.

She raised her eyebrows and turned a corner, "...Mozzie..." She never got the chance to try yoga. Ever since she's come back from Copenhagen, she's been busy nonstop.

Maybe it would help with the stress. It might help Jayson.

"...Look, I want to believe Neal just as much as the next guy, but you can't tell me you don't see it, too. What does Jayson say?"

"I'm not gonna bother Jayson with this, Moz." He must've thought she was in the same room as him. He sighed and then directed his worries elsewhere, "Oh. How is he?"

She stopped walking, "He's a mess, Moz." The mood had changed drastically, so she lifted her mouth upwards in a sort of smile, "What are you worried about him?" Her tone was teasing.

Mozzie gasped, "No, of course not. I'm worried about the-the...con."


And as if like a chill up her spine, a sudden feeling crept up upon her. She felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand stiffly. Her eyebrows came together as Mozzie spoke again, "You two need to get back here as soon as you can, Kira. And I mean it." She turned around where she stood and studied her surroundings. Not many people were walking around outside and those that were are out of earshot. No one is looking in her direction. No one looks oddly suspicious.

As I Collide, I See I Am a Paradox // White CollarWhere stories live. Discover now