She grinned, like it was all a funny joke, and pointed to her throat and she shook her head. "She doesn't have a voicebank yet," one of the scientists spoke up. My answer was merely "Oh."

That was definitely fishy. Are far I as knew, every other Vocaloid already had their voice when they were revealed to the public. Why would they release her if she didn't have a voice? That was the most important part of a Vocaloid! They should've put her back in development until her voice was ready. The only reason I could see why they would release a soundless Teto was because today was the day they were planning on releasing her, no matter how far along in development she was. 

But today was April Fool's Day.

So maybe she really was just a joke.

Not competition.

The reason she didn't have a voice is because they weren't going to waste time making something so precious for a worthless prank.

Teto's whole existence is a lie.

I couldn't help but smile to myself.

~Teto's POV~

After I met the Vocaloids (best thing that ever happened in my entire 5 hours) they went upstairs to "rest." I think the scientists just wanted to see how they were doing, though.

I was disappointed to see them go, but the scientists told me I'd see them in a couple hours at the party. They're having a party in my honor! I was sure it would be the best thing that had ever happened in my entire 8 hours.

The waiting was unbearable, but finally the scientists said we could go down to the room where the party was happening. I could hear the music before I even opened the door. It was a song by Miku, and hearing music again was so refreshing. There were plenty of scientists roaming around, along with tons of other people. I could see Kaito sitting in a chair surrounded by several people, with Meiko standing behind him. He had his arm resting on his leg as if he was telling a really good story, and suddenly everyone burst out laughing.

Meanwhile, the twins were doing a difficult-looking dance on stage. The crowd cheered wildly as Len did a backflip, and then threw his hairtie into the crowd. I heard several squeals throughout the audience. I couldn't help but giggle. With his hair down, he really did look like Rin.

Before I could look for Miku, she appeared right in my face and startled me. "Sorry," she laughed. "I'm supposed to come find you and bring you to the stage." As I let her grab my wrist and pull me through the crowd, I blush. I have to go on stage?! Well, this party is about you, my conscience said. I couldn't help but agree.

Rin and Len's song ended, and they passed us with a "Hi, Teto!" Then the scientists came around and took my hands, as if I was a small child. Then they led me onto the stage.

Before they even said anything, the crowd cheered. "Thank you, thank you," said the scientist on my right. "I'm sure by now you're all familiar with Kasane Teto." The crowd cheered again, louder this time.

I couldn't help but smile at them all. A single word hasn't come out of my mouth yet, but they already love me. "We have surpassed the limits of science to bring her here, especially without a voicebank. That's never been done before." She looked over to the other scientist and nodded.

The scientist on my left smiled at the crowd. "We assume you'd all like to hear a bit of Teto's voice, right?" The crowd cheers the loudest they have all night. This question takes me by surprise, though. I haven't done any singing, and from what I've heard all day, they haven't even started on my voicebank yet. 

What are they doing?

They let go of both my hands, grinning madly. I frantically looked between them, trying to figure out what was going on. "Too bad," said the scientists on my left. The crowd murmured, clearly as confused as Iwas.

The scientists then leaned in to whisper into my ears, "Bye, Teto." And before I realized what was happening, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach, as if I had been punched, and I fell backwards. The last thing I heard before I went under was "April Fools."

I was alive. I couldn't see anything, and I had immense pain in my back from where I fell and my stomach from where I was pushed, but at least I was still alive. I found I could hear everything that was going on in the room I was in. I must be either backstage or under the stage. The crowd was gasping in terror, whispering among themselves.

And then somebody had the nerve to laugh.

I knew exactly who that laugh belonged to. I'd been hearing that laughing voice all day.

Hatsune Miku was laughing at me.

Then the scientists joined in, laughing as if I was a joke. I mean, I was, but that didn't stop the fact that I was alive now.

As more and more joined voices the laughter, all of my dreams went down the drain.

I won't get to sing with the Vocaloids.

I'm not a Vocaloid at all. I'm a fake.

I'm never, ever going to sing.

Silent tears ran down my cheeks.

This was definitely the worst thing to happen in all of my 12 hours. 

Teto Territory: The Story of TetoTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang