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Author's Note: If you made it all this way thank you so much. I appreciate your views and support.

Don't forget to like and comment if you haven't (:

Ps: I posted Marilyn Manson singing to Sweet Dreams in the media box. The song is played when Amber dances lol You'll know when you read. For a better experience play the song when you read that part. Enjoy 🔥

Chapter 25


I opened up my eyes. I was no longer in my room. I was standing in a different room—a small room where each large wall was shielded with delicate glass. Darkness surrounded the outside.

I blinked again and Ivy and Star materialized right before my eyes. Their faces reflected confusion as they looked around. They had nowhere to go—nowhere to hide.

I gritted my teeth.

They had to pay for what they did to me!

"You know why I'm here, right?"

They stared at me in complete silence. Star frowned. Ivy eyed me carefully, standing her ground.

"I'm here for you fuckers," I spat. "It's time for revenge."

They didn't have time to react as I pierced an ear-bleeding scream. They cupped their ears and cried in agony. The walls of glass broke, shattering inside like a menacing tornado. Sharp pieces with edges like shark teeth sliced and stabbed them. My lips curved into a wicked smile as they bled to death and suffered.

"I'm not done yet," I sneered.

Heavy shackles materialized from the black ground and clamped their ankles like a venomous snake's mouth. I brought them exquisite hell as blazing fire rose from the ground and ate their flesh alive.

Screams filled the air. They tried to rip the shackles apart—they couldn't—and I sneaked a low little laugh.

"This is what you get when you mess with the wrong girl," I threatened.


I awoke with an urge to look for Donny's ring. I shot up from the bed and scavenged my bedroom for it.


It had to be somewhere.

Where was it? I couldn't find it.

I needed it.

I needed the ring!


My heart pumped with anxiety. I ranked my hair and groaned.









"Where the fuck is it?" I shouted.

Time was ticking and I hadn't found it. My thoughts about his ring itched me like poison ivy. I needed it like I needed air.


"You're late to class," Mrs. Pen—a so-called science teacher—said as I walked through the door.

Well, fuck you, too.

I stopped mid-way and glared at her. She sat on that stupid chair, narrowing her eyes on mine in a judgmental way.

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