Mood Ring

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Author's Note: Religion by Lana Del Rey. This song is being played somewhere along Amber's journey with you know who 😉💕 I'm so thankful for Wattpad and every single one of you that are reading and voting and commenting on my story.

Thank you so much lovely readers (':

Chapter 42


Someone came to my room.

Someone did this.

White roses couldn't just magically turn into black ash.

It was impossible...

My heart galloped against my chest as I called for my mother. She heard the urgency in my voice and rushed upstairs.

"Honey, what happened?"

I stood silent as she checked for herself. Her eyes flickered to each vase and froze.

"I think someone broke into our house."

"Do you have anything missing?" Her voice sounded cautious yet urgent.

"No. I haven't checked yet."

She frowned and stepped forward. "Let's check now."

We walked around my bedroom like investigators, checking for anything missing or out of place—but nothing was missing. Everything in my room was how I left it.

How could that possibly be?

"What do we do? There's nothing missing."

My mother looked me in the eyes. "There's nothing we can do."

Oh God.

I folded my arms across my chest and swallowed nervously.

Who had access to our house? Who would do this to me?

I worried about the many possibilities.

"I'm really sorry, Amber," she said. "You want me to help you throw out the vases?"

I nodded. We carried each vase and threw it in the garbage can. I lingered by the kitchen, wanting to ask her a few questions.

"Don't you find it a bit weird that the flowers turned like that?"

"Yes. Very."

"Mom, I have another question I want to ask you," I began. She listened intently. "Have you noticed Luke's medallion?"

She nodded. "Yes. I have."

Holy shit. "You have?"

"Yeah." Her sweet smile threw me off. "He has that for love and peace."

"How does a black goat and a pentagram promote love and peace?"

Her sweet smile dropped. "Honey, what are you talking about?"

"Mom, what are you talking about? Didn't you see it?"

"Yes, honey. I did. He has a white dove engraved on it."


My mother looked at me as if I grew an extra head. "Honey, are you sure you're okay?"

If she only knew...

"I'm fine," I muttered.

I knew what I saw anyways. It couldn't have been a white dove. It was no way.

"I'm going to bed. I feel tired."

"Okay, sweetie. Good night."

"Good night."

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