Wild Night

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Author's Note: She looks like Kim💙

Chapter 6


"Help!" I screamed. I sprinted in the middle of my neighborhood street. "Please help me!"

Yet nobody was around to hear me—no car was on the road to pass me. I was alone, crying hot drops of tears, begging desperately for someone to help. My sleeveless, white gown dragged on the black concrete as I ran further, passing lighted street lamps and pitch black houses.

I swerved to the side and reached the backyard of somebody's house. I wasn't quite sure, but the silhouette looked like my house.

Was that my house?

I was in between the house and the thick, beige wall, and if I climbed over it, it would lead me to the dark forest. Gasping for air, I climbed the wall.

"Help!" I cried.

My foot slipped and I slammed against the grass. I touched my head and felt lukewarm liquid on my hands.

I was bleeding.

A familiar male voice called my name as I achingly laid on the grass.

"Don't do it," the deep, velvety voice whispered. I didn't know where the sound came from, but the sound felt very close. "It's dangerous."

"Help me," I whispered back. "Please, I need your help."

My dad appeared. His dark green eyes locked with mine.

"Don't worry. I'm here. You're protected," he promised. "You don't have to worry, Amber. I'm here."

I squinted, trying to see his face, but my vision got blurrier and blurrier. He soon became a slathered figure as the ground swallowed me under.


I gasped, jolting up on my bed. I was back in my room, I realized. My heart convulsed in my chest as I tried to calm myself down.

It was just a dream.

Just a dream.

A very real dream.

I had never dreamed something so real before. It was like my dad was really there and he was alive again. Tears threatened to leave my eyes and I swallowed down a rough lump in my throat.

I looked at the time.

6:30 a.m.

Time to get ready.

Switching on my bathroom light, I washed my face with cold water.

It was just a dream, I thought again.

My dad isn't alive.

He would never be alive again.

I turned off the faucet, letting the tears that I washed away slip down.

I missed him so, so much and for him to tell me that in the dream made me not want to bare the reality. I couldn't deal with his absence. I just couldn't anymore.

I dropped to the floor and cried harder.

"Why?" I sobbed. "Why did you have to go?

I miss you, dad. I miss you so much!"


My ride to school with Kim was a bit quiet since I didn't felt like talking. The radio music sounded faint.

"Hey, are you okay?" she asked. "You look sad."

Her light green eyes gleamed in worry as she glanced at me and then back at the road.

The Love TriangleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora