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Author's Note: Chris 💘👅💦

Chapter 20


A day passed and I had missed calls and messages from Donny. I didn't reply nor did I call back. I still felt upset over the whole situation. And my terrible emotions left me tossing and turning in bed last night. While everyone's Thanksgiving break was peaches and cream, mine, however, was not going that well.

I looked in the mirror as I tied my hair into a high ponytail. I wore comfortable clothes because I had to do grocery shopping for my mother. I grabbed the list she gave me and headed out the front door with the car keys in my hand.

My phone rang as I drove on the road. I quickly checked my phone. Kim's name flashed across the screen. I answered it on speaker.


"Hey! Oh my God, girl. Last night was so awkward. I had to leave," she told me. "How are you feeling? Is everything okay? I was so worried about you."

"I feel like crap to be honest."

"Oh my God. What happened?"

"I don't want to talk about it," I said. "I'll tell you some other time."

"Oh, okay. I understand. Whenever you need me just give me a call. I'll be here for you."

"Thanks, Kim."

There was a long pause on the other line.

"Hey, Amber?"


"I know you feel like crap but I really need you to do a huge favor for me."

"What is it?"

"Oh my God. I feel so horrible telling you this."

"What is it?"

She released a sigh. "Reece is in another state. She asked me to volunteer for her but I really can't today. Can you do me the favor and volunteer for me?"

I had an urge to say no to her but then I really thought about it good. Maybe I do need a distraction—a big distraction—and volunteering at who knew where would be perfect.

"Okay. Where?"

"The animal shelter. I'll text you the address."

"What time do I have to be there?"

"You have to be there at five p.m.," she said. "You leave around seven thirty."

I agreed to volunteer and we ended the call. I parked in front of the grocery store, grabbed a shopping cart, and strolled it down the aisles. I checked off each item from the list as I placed them in the cart. The last thing I needed was meat. I pushed the cart as I walked down the cold meat aisle. I cringed at the sight of packaged meat. The leftover blood reminded me of pure slaughter.


Yet, my mother and I ate it once in a while for protein. Ugh.

I grabbed the package she wanted and dropped it in the cart. As I pushed my cart forward, I wasn't paying that much attention to what was in front of me. All I kept thinking about was last night. Did I actually called it quits with Donny? My cart crashed another cart, and I gasped.

"I'm so, so sorry," I apologized.

A bag of chips fell and I grabbed it from the floor and placed it back in the cart. I hadn't looked up at the person yet, but once I did, I froze.

Aiden was there, standing behind the cart I crashed. He had materialized out of nowhere. What was he doing here?

Was he following me? Or was it just one big coincidence?

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