Spring Break

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Author's Note: That song is called Es Mentiroso by Olga Tañon 💕 It's a Latin song and in this chapter, someone dances to it 😂 Just letting ju know 😂❤️ And as always thank you for reading 🙏🏼✨

Ps: I added a cool banner in my first chapter. Check it out (: The banner is in the beginning right before the chapter begins 💕

Chapter 47


Mr. Caro stood on the other side of the door.

What the hell? Why was my history teacher here? And how did he know where Aiden lived?

"Can I help you?" Aiden asked.

"Yes. I got a text message from somebody who invited me to this party," my teacher said.

"Who invited you?"

"Mr. Caro?" Jayko butted in as he craned his neck to get a clear view of the front door. Jayko grinned when he saw him. "Mr. Caroooooo! Let him in. Let him in. He's our teacher. He's cool people."

Mr. Caro peeked inside the living room and flashed everyone a grin. "What are all of you guys doing here?" he asked.

"It's Jayko's birthday," Reece mentioned.

Aiden stepped aside for him to enter. He closed the door behind him and walked to the circle.

"Wassup, Mr. Caro!" Chris piped in.

"Hey, guys!" Mr. Caro's eyes flickered to everyone and stopped on me. "Amber, what a surprise! I didn't know you were here."

I offered him a friendly smile. "I didn't know you were here either."

"Who sent you that text?" Jayko questioned curiously.

"Oh. Umm." He looked at his black phone and scrolled a little. "Let me check my text messages." He frowned at his screen. "I don't know who's number is that, but it's nine, four..."

He told the rest of the number to everyone and I automatically knew who's number that belonged to. It was Aiden's number.

"That's my number," Aiden said.

Mr. Caro showed him the message he supposedly sent him. Aiden's frown deepened.

"That's weird. I never sent that."

Mr. Caro frowned, too. "Hmm. That is weird then." He looked at everyone and added, "So, that means no free enchiladas?"

A couple of us laughed.

"No, but we got vodka?" Rick offered.

Mr. Caro glanced at the bottle beside me. "You guys are drinking vodka? You're underage. You're not supposed to be drinking that. But I'll take some."

The group laughed as I handed him the whole bottle. He chugged the liquid down and grinned at all of us. "You are awesome students. You all get A's on the next test."

Chris clapped happily. "Yes!"

My history teacher glanced around the room with a slight frown. "Why is there no music in here? You guys don't have any music? What! Que?"

We chuckled and giggled as Mr. Caro hauled out his phone and announced, "Guys, I'm going to teach you some dance moves. Be prepared."

He played a Latin song I had never heard of from his phone. Gently placing his phone on the sofa, he stepped in the middle of our circle and began dancing what looked to be...

"What kind of dance is that?" Jayko asked.

"Merengue," he replied.

"Oh snap! Mr. Caro got some moves," Chris said.

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