Bad Girl

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Author's Note: Maria. (Kim's little sister) ✊💕

Chapter 24


My lower lip quivered as I crumbled into tears. I was standing in my bedroom—my back pressed against the door. I just got back from the hospital and the ache in my heart had ripped open inside of me. I wanted to scream out in anger, shove and kick someone in fury, but instead I gripped my hair and banged my head against the door. I grasped my phone from the shelve and launched it across the opposite wall. The screen cracked in one smash and fell on the floor. In a blinding rush of agony, I shoved everything off the shelves. Glass shattered, objects broke apart, and I didn't care.

I didn't care about anything.

"Honey, is everything okay?" my mother said, her gentle voice laced with concern.

She sounded close to the door, but thank God I locked it. I didn't want to see her face. I didn't want to see anyone's face.

I wanted isolation.

"Everything is fine," I mumbled through my cries.


Slowly the days passed and I had never left my room. I had my window tightly shut—had my curtains smushed together, blocking the sunlight. I didn't want to see anybody and I didn't want to hear from anybody. I didn't even know what the sunlight looked like anymore. I was bathed in shadows—complete darkness. My body rested weakly on my bed.

There was a slight knock on my door followed by it creaking open. My mother peeked her head inside and frowned in worry as she took in my appearance. She had notified me several times that my friends came to visit me, but I rejected them every time.

"Amber," she said carefully.

I stood in silence.

Another visit?

"Somebody is here to see you."

I knew it.

"Tell him no."

Most of the time it was Donny trying to visit me.

"It's Angelica."

"Tell her no."

My mother sighed and opened the door wider. Light from the hallway entered my room. I covered up and squinted.

"Honey, you need human interaction. It's been a week already."

"Isn't this human interaction?" I replied dryly.

"Amber, your friends really care about you.

They want to see you and help you."

I rolled my eyes. No one could help me.

"And you have to go to school soon. I can't leave you locked in here every day. It's unhealthy."

I heaved out a depressing sigh. As much as I didn't want to see anyone, I didn't want to argue with my mother.

"Fine," I croaked. "Let her in."

My mother gave me a sympathetic look before leaving. Minutes later, Angelica walked in. She flicked on my bedroom lights and I groaned, squinting to see her. I caught a glimpse of her curly, dark hair and dark, worried eyes. The lights from my bedroom blinded me. I felt like a vampire stepping into broad daylight.

"Close the door," I mumbled.

The last thing I wanted was for my mother to eavesdrop. She closed the door behind her and sat on the edge of my bed, offering me a sad smile.

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